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DVR and Special Education

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1 DVR and Special Education
2018 | 0515 DVR and Special Education Center for Change in Transition Services (CCTS) Improving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington state

2 Housekeeping Beginning with set of questions
Question Cards from the audience Open, honest, respectful conversation Next steps?

3 How do you get started developing a relationship with each other?
2018 | 0515 How do you get started developing a relationship with each other? What are some of the services that DVR provide that supports IEP transition services? What expertise can/do schools provide to DVR and vice/versa? How much information does DVR need about a student and how much can the school share?

4 If a special education teacher or a DVR counselor is new, how and who do they contact to learn about each other’s needs and begin to collaborate? What are some recommendations for skills preparation that will make the transition to DVR services a smooth one? If a student needs more individualized supports, how can schools and DVR collaborate to make a seamless transition for the student?

5 When is a good time for DVR to be invited to an IEP meeting and what role could they serve at different meetings? What are some barriers that arise as collaboration between schools and DVR occur?

6 Current Transition System
OSPI DVR (State) DDA CCTS ESDs DVR (Region) Employment Providers School Districts Mental Health Providers Case Management Provider Parents/Guardians Juvenile Justice Systems Students “SpEd” Teachers Employers

7 ESD 123 Regional Pre-ETS System
OSPI DVR (State) CCTS ESD 123 DVR (Region) DVR (Counselors) School Districts “SpEd” Teachers Employment Providers Students Parents/Guardians DDA Case Management Providers Employers Mental Health Provider

8 Where is the “sweet spot”?
Students Education Employment

9 Questions from the audience

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