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2 Site = Absolute location:
a position described in terms of latitude and longitude. St. John’s is 48⁰N and 53⁰W

3 Situation = Relative location:
The location of a place in relation to it’s surroundings Saint Pierre & Miquelon are located to the south west of Fortune on the Burin Peninsula

4 Geographical influences:
Where we live What we eat Our work Our hobbies

5 Case Study p. 55



8 Endowments → resources when they are used by humans to meet their needs.
In order for resources to be viable, it must be possible for it to be extracted and delivered to consumers in a cost-effective manner. The Bell Island iron ore mine closed in 1966 even though there are still about 4 billion tons of ore there. It was not cost effective for companies to extract the ore and send it to market.

9 Geography can shape how a person sees the world and interacts with it.
A lot of Newfoundland & Labrador culture has been influenced by our geography: Songs, stories, art, etc.

10 Songs such as the Ode to Newfoundland and Saltwater Joys reference our geography
Assignment: Find a song or story that makes reference to Newfoundland geography. Present a few lines from your selection in class to show the geographical influence.


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