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Deep Carbon Observatory Data Science Platform

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1 Deep Carbon Observatory Data Science Platform
Yu Chen Han Wang Xiaogang Ma John Erickson Patrick West Peter Fox Tetherless World Constellation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th St., Troy, NY United States Infrastructure Overview The Object Registration and Deposit Infrastructure is to provide a user friendly portal that facilitates the process of sharing research data, documents and knowledge for domain scientists across the community of the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO). The infrastructure incorporates several well established state-of-the-art open source projects such that the DCO Data Science have gained both solid support from the open source communities and the flexibility to develop extensions in order to meet the requirements in our specific case. The related open source projects are Drupal [1], CKAN [2] and VIVO [3]. Besides, we also setup our own proxy of the Handle System [4] such that each “Object”, whatever data, document, instruments, people  or organizations, will be uniquely identified and universally resolvable. In this way, everything within the DCO community can be easily find and knowledge are shared across the globe. DCO Data Science Platform Infrastructure Glossary DCO Object Registration and Deposit Workflow Sponsors: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation References: [1] Drupal [2] CKAN [3] VIVO [4] Handle System

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