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Africa West African Kingdoms.

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1 Africa West African Kingdoms

2 Ghana

3 Ghana is the land of gold Two most important trading goods:
2. Salt Gold came from the Savanna Salt deposits were found in the Sahara Desert This important trade of gold and salt took place on the trans-Saharan trade The king was the only one allowed to keep gold nuggets. This way he could keep the price of gold high.

4 Ghana Gold!


6 Mali

7 Mali Like Ghana, Mali became wealthy because of gold.
A man name Mansa Musa became leader of Mali. He was a devout Muslim. Because of Mansa Musa, Mali grew to become twice the size of Ghana. The city of Timbuktu became a center of trade and learning because Mansa Musa ordered mosques and universities to be built. Timbuktu is the location of the House of Wisdom

8 Songhai

9 Songhai After Mali declined, people broke away and formed a new civilization near the Niger river. Two great rulers name: 1. Sunni Ali 2. Askia Muhammad

10 Songhai Sunni Ali captured the city of Timbuktu.
Askia Muhammad was an excellent administrator. He set up an efficient tax system and chose able officials. Later they were taken over by the Moroccans who were fighting with guns.

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