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DNA Transcription Name a situation in which our body would need to copy its DNA.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA Transcription Name a situation in which our body would need to copy its DNA."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA Transcription Name a situation in which our body would need to copy its DNA.

2 Obj: Describe the events of transcription and distinguish between introns and exons.
2.7b 2.8a RWC -3.2f/g, 4d DOL: 1. In a proficient CR, students will describe the events of transcription using the given words. 2. Given a section of mRNA, illustrate the resulting mRNA strand after editing. Goal: 3/4! Why? Why do you think our body needs to edit the mRNA before sending it out?

3 What is transcription? Transcription - A nucleotide sequence of DNA is copied into a complimentary sequence in RNA in the nucleus of a cell DNA  RNA Rewrite that definition in a way that makes sense to you! (Your own words) Pair share

4 Transcription Video While watching answer this question: What is the purpose of DNA transcription?

5 Quick Notes- The steps of transcription
1. RNA polymerase binds to the promoter the promoter tells it where to start 2. RNA polymerase separates the two strands of DNA 3. RNA polymerase makes a complimentary strand of mRNA 4. m-RNA transports the codons out of the nucleus Codon is three nucleotides but together!!

6 Mini Quiz 1. What is the point of transcription?
To copy DNA into a sequence of RNA 2. Put the 4 steps of transcription in order from beginning to end 1. RNA polymerase separates the two strands of DNA 2. m-RNA transports the codon out of the nucleus 3. RNA polymerase binds to the promoter 4. RNA polymerase copies 1 strand of the DNA Answer: 3, 1, 4, 2 What is a codon? Answer: A sequence of three nucleotides

7 DOL DOL: In a proficient (8/10) CR, students will describe the events of transcription using the following words: Transcription, RNA polymerase, DNA, Promoter, codons, mRNA, terminator, introns, exons and RNA editing _ Short Term Goal #1    

8 Topic: Introns and Exons
Catalyst 1. How many nucleotides do you believe are in the human genome (all the DNA present in one cell)? 2. Is the same amount of DNA present in all cells of the body?

9 Topic: Introns and Exons
Obj: Describe the events of transcription and distinguish between introns and exons. 2.7b 2.8a RWC -3.2f/g, 4d Why: Impacts how likely it is for you to die from a genetic disorder. DOL: Given a section of mRNA SW describe what happens to the different sections of RNA after transcription. Goal: 3/4!

10 What is transcription? (hands)
RNA to DNA DNA to RNA mRNA to protein Introns to Exons

11 Focus Question Do you believe that all of the estimated 3 billion bases of the human genome are important to your survival? C: I believe/do not believe that all of the 3 billion bases of the human genome are important to my survival. R: Why/Why not?

12 What are Introns? Section of mRNA that is NOT involved in coding for proteins. “Junk” DNA

13 What are Exons? Section of mRNA that DOES code for proteins.
FOCUS Question: What would happen if exons were cut out of the sequence? C: What you think would happen? R: Justification.

14 What is RNA editing? Create 3 bullet points based on the following diagram.

15 How does mRNA leave the nucleolus?
After RNA is edited mRNA moves from the nucleolus to the cytoplasm.

16 DOL: Goal 3/4 Illustrate what will the strand look like after editing? (1 pt) What would happen if there was an error in the intron? Why? (2 pts) Where will the strand of mRNA go after editing is complete? (1pt)

17 Exemplar : Goal 3/4 Exons only (1pt)
Nothing, because introns are sections that don’t code for anything. (2pt) To the cytoplasm (1pt)

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