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The Importance and Value of Prophecy Part 2

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1 The Importance and Value of Prophecy Part 2
Eschatology The Importance and Value of Prophecy Part 2

2 Value in Person Equilibrium
Believers are anchored in the past because they recognize the significance of __________. In the present they are aware of being _____ Christ and of receiving the ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit. We cannot _________ ourselves in the present without understanding the future. Further, the future defines the direction and effort expended in the present. If we are privileged to know the last chapter and ultimate culmination of history, we can _________ any measure of difficulty, privation, or persecution. This life is not the sum of existence; it is a short __________ of eternity. Believers are very much creatures of eternity since we have Christ who is eternal life. (John 5:24; 1 John 5:11-13) The Impact of Eschatology It will keep him from false doctrines and false hopes. It will help to make the unseen real and create within the believer’s life the very atmosphere of heaven.

3 It will give joy in midst of tribulation and affliction (2 Cor. 4;17).
It will increase one’s loyalty to Christ and produce true, self-sacrificing service for Him. When the believer fully realizes the glory that is his future, it makes him satisfied to be nothing now. Prophetic truth is the only thing which can give true comfort in the time or sorrow nq bereavement (1 Thess. 4;13-18). All Scripture is profitable and prophecy is no exception for it will produce and encourage holy living (1 John 3:3) Charles Ryrie Value in Apologetics For centuries apostate voices have assailed the ___________ of Scripture. The Bible is a miraculous book, composed, communicated, and sustained by the power of God. Liberalism singles out prophecy and miracles as fabrications created by people steeped in mysticism. The problem for all unbelievers is the sheer _________ of fulfilled prophecy.

4 The prophetic expectations for the future of the world are monstrous to those who are ____________ for the coming events. They are more comfortable trying to explain away the catastrophic expectations than _______ their unpreparedness. The Bible holds no hope for an end-time revival. It portrays mankind as degenerating _________ redemption. (2 Pet. 3:3-7) Foolish men refuse the evidence of prophecy to the peril of their souls. Receive the prophetic message and your heart will be turned to _______ who is the ultimate subject of all prophecy. (Rev. 19:10)

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