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Presentation on theme: "Psychology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology

2 Learning objective New title: Looks and criminal behaviour

3 Learning Outcomes Learn about the role of looks in gathering evidence
Learn about and some recapping of types of participants Learn about a new study

4 Learn about the role of looks in gathering evidence
Meet Cesare Lombroso (1835 – 1909). He came up with a theory based on researching the characteristics of prisoners:

5 Learn about the role of looks in gathering evidence
He was considered to be the start of the theory of criminal psychology.

6 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour
Research has also suggested that attractive people are less likely to commit crimes. Why do you think this? Consider: self fulfilling prophecy, how strangers may greet a smiling, attractive baby.

7 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour

8 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour
A jury is a panel of 12 random people, who listens to the evidence, facts and arguments from lawyers in court and decide if the person is guilty (committed the crime) or not guilty (did not commit the crime). Read pages 196 – 197 alongside the video to make notes on the following: What a defendant is What a verdict is What a testimony is What stereotyping means Impact of race Impact of attractiveness Impact of accent

9 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour
Before we go onto the next research study, you need to know about types of participant selections and testing: New title: Participants and control groups

10 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour
How participants are chosen is one factor:

11 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour

12 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour
When researching, participants can be split into groups, similar to previous research we have already covered. A control group is a group created that is not being tested upon. Sometimes they know, sometimes they do not know. When they do not know, it is called the placebo effect.

13 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour

14 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour
When comparing results of the study, you may compare the individuals and their situations:

15 Biological explanations for criminal behaviour
Signall and Ostrove (1984) conducted some research into this. Read pages 178 – 179 and use the following titles as subheadings to help summarise: Aim, procedure, participants, results, conclusion, Strengths, weaknesses, ethics.

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