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We did LibQUAL+®: Now what?

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Presentation on theme: "We did LibQUAL+®: Now what?"— Presentation transcript:

1 We did LibQUAL+®: Now what?
Amy Hoseth Colorado State University Libraries January 26, 2009

2 Before the survey: Educate and prepare

3 1. Read up on the background and development of the survey

4 2. Promote your survey

5 After LibQUAL+®: Make the most of your results

6 3. Appreciate LibQUAL+® for what it is: a total market survey

7 4. Don’t forget about the comments box

8 5. Report the results back to your users

9 6. Consult the norms tables

10 7. Learn SPSS (or make friends with someone who knows how to use it!)

11 8. Talk to your peers

12 9. Consider hosting a Library Summit

13 10. Do it again

14 Hoseth, Amy E. “We Did LibQUAL+® - Now What
Hoseth, Amy E. “We Did LibQUAL+® - Now What? Practical Suggestions for Maximizing Your Survey Results.” College & Undergraduate Libraries, Vol. 14(3), Spring 2008:

15 Questions?

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