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Judging Prophecy I. Why is it difficult to think in terms of judging prophecy? A. Because prophecy is a gift of the Spirit. B. Because of the manner in.

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Presentation on theme: "Judging Prophecy I. Why is it difficult to think in terms of judging prophecy? A. Because prophecy is a gift of the Spirit. B. Because of the manner in."— Presentation transcript:


2 Judging Prophecy I. Why is it difficult to think in terms of judging prophecy? A. Because prophecy is a gift of the Spirit. B. Because of the manner in which prophecy is usually given. C. Because it is difficult to judge the gift without feeling that you are judging the person exercising the gift.

3 II. Why is it important that prophecy be judged?
A. Prophecy is not on the same level with the written word of God. B. Prophecy comes through people who are fallible. C. Prophecy by its very nature is highly subjective.

4 D. The Bible indicates that there will be false teachers, pastoral hirelings, false apostles and false prophets. 1. We are instructed to test ministries (Rev. 2:2). 2. Even pure ministries can “miss” God.

5 III. What are the tests for prophetic utterance?
There are eight tests for prophecy. A. Test #1 – The written word of God, the Bible (II Tim. 3:16; Is. 8:19-20). B. Test #2 – The spirit or the manner in which the word is given. C. Test #3 – The conduct and personal life of the person prophesying (Jer. 23:15-16; II Pet. 2:2).

6 D. Test #4 – The inner witness of the Holy Spirit (I Cor
D. Test #4 – The inner witness of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 2:11-14; I Cor. 14:33). E. Test #5 – The confirmation of other witnesses (II Cor. 13:1; John 5:31-47). F. Test #6 – The edification experienced by the word given (I Cor. 14:3). G. Test #7 – The fulfillment of the word given (Deut. 18:20-22). H. Test #8 – The prophecy’s exaltation of Jesus (I Pet. 4:1; I Cor. 14:24-25; Deut. 13:1-5).

7 IV. Who is to judge prophecy?
A. Judgment Level #1 – The one giving the prophecy (I Cor. 14:32; I Cor. 11:31). B. Judgment Level #2 – Other prophetic ministries (Acts 13:1; 15:32; I Cor. 14:29). C. Judgment Level #3 – The leadership of the church (Acts 20:28-31; I Pet. 5:5; Heb. 13:17).

8 V. Is prophetic ministry worth the effort?
A. We are instructed to not despise prophesying (I Th. 5:20). B. We are to earnestly desire to prophesy (I Cor.14:1).

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