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Education Technology Implementation and Planning Services January 2005

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1 Education Technology Implementation and Planning Services January 2005
LEA Technology Plan Education Technology Implementation and Planning Services January 2005 E-tips

2 LEA Technology Plans Due
November 1, 2005 5:00 p.m. E-tips

3 LEA Technology Plans E-tips

4 Format Submitted as Three hard copies that include the web link to where the plan is posted on the school district website. We recommend that you remove all technical diagrams from your online tech plan. E-tips

5 State Legislation requiring a technology plan
North Carolina law GS115C-102.6D Each local school administrative unit with a local school system technology plan approved by the State Board of Education may use funds allocated to it to implement its local plan or as otherwise specified by the General Assembly. E-tips

6 Federal Legislation requiring a technology plan
SEC LOCAL APPLICATIONS. (a) IN GENERAL- To be eligible to receive a subgrant from a State educational agency under this subpart, a local educational agency or eligible local entity shall submit to the State educational agency an application containing a new or updated local long-range strategic educational technology plan that is consistent with the objectives of the statewide educational technology plan described in section 2413(a), and such other information as the State educational agency may reasonably require, at such time and in such manner as the State educational agency may require. E-tips

7 Who should complete the plan
In keeping with the North Carolina vision of building collaborative partners and leadership, a Media and Technology Advisory Committee provides the optimal medium for creating a system-level technology plan and for implementing a strong educational technology program. Planning is most effective when those responsible for the instructional program are involved in designing, implementing, and making decisions about administrative and educational technology. Students are more likely to be successful in achieving in-depth learning when the administrative and teaching staff and the community build a collective vision for technology that is connected to teaching and learning. E-tips

8 LEA Template Format High student achievement
The North Carolina Educational Technology Plan template has been designed to reflect North Carolina's Strategic Plan for Excellent Schools, The ABCs Plus to achieve the state education goal of First in America by 2010. High student achievement Quality teachers, administrators and staff, Healthy students in safe, orderly and caring schools Strong family, community and business support, and Effective and efficient operations E-tips

9 Components of the LEA plan
A Signature page signed by the LEA Board Chairman and Superintendent A list of technology committee members A unique vision statement that is consistent with the state technology plan vision Five sections addressing the five strategic priorities A completed policy chart A completed TCO findings page A completed two-year budget entry form School and District Network Diagrams E-tips

10 Each of the ABC Priority sections should include
Current Situation Strategic Priority Chart E-tips

11 Please address these items with thorough answers.
The Current Situation Guiding Questions and Goals and Objectives chart components In order to meet all of the specifications required by state legislation, the guiding questions and list of chart components have been provided to assist you in completion of a plan that will meet the board approval. Please address these items with thorough answers. E-tips

12 The budget spreadsheet will be due each year on November 1.
Submission of Budget You will submit annually A budget for the upcoming fiscal school year (July 1 – June 30). A planning budget for the following fiscal school year The budget spreadsheet will be due each year on November 1. E-tips

13 How will we evaluate? The LEA Technology Plan Evaluation Guide.
If you have addressed the item thoroughly that item will be checked off as complete. If the item is not addressed completely, it will not be checked. On that page will be a comment explaining what needs to be done to complete that item. Once the plan has been reviewed, you will receive a copy of the evaluation guide and it will be noted if you need to make any changes For your plan to be approved, you must have a check for every item. E-tips

14 High Student Achievement
Strategies: Provide instructional technology tools and training to foster mathematics/reading score improvement Develop classroom use of student resources in support of the NC Standard Course of Study (i.e.. NC WiseOwl, Kaleidoscope, SAS inSchool) Promote the implementation of the IMPACT model Provide a plan (curriculum integration and necessary remediation) designed to improve Computer Skills Test scores Promote the Computer Skills Curriculum implementation and integration across all grade levels and subject areas E-tips

15 High Student Achievement
(con’t) Promote the Information Skills Curriculum implementation across all grade levels Promote technology integration across the curriculum Provide student distance learning opportunities in order to provide equitable educational opportunities to all students Proved assistive technology resources in order to provide equitable educational resources to all students E-tips

16 Quality teachers, administrators and staff
Strategies: Provide professional development programs using diverse training resources (local and online including DPI resources) to address needs as determined by assessments Provide follow-up support to teachers and staff after training Integrate technology components into local certification and professional development requirements Communicate and promote ethical use of technology Communicate professional standards based on ISTE Guidelines Conduct an evaluation of all technology professional development and training E-tips

17 Healthy students in safe, orderly and caring schools
Strategies: Provide an adequate, safe education facilities that support high student performance through the use of variety of technology resources that include: alarm systems; fixed and mobile metal detectors, ID card systems. Provide for a safe environment by monitoring of student movement through the use of variety of technology resources that include: buses equipped with video cameras; video camera systems to monitor schools, playgrounds, parking lots and sports areas 3. Provide a means for faculty and staff to communicate through the use of school-wide telephones, cell phones, intercoms and radios E-tips

18 Healthy students in safe, orderly and caring schools
(Continued) Provide an adequate, safe method for monitoring student performance through methods that could include: student information system programs such as SIMS and NCWise; student management programs such as L-System; nutritional tracking systems like Nutri-Kids and Point of Sales Provide a safe environment for data to be collected and used through the use of: Internet Filtering based on CIPA; filtering; up-to-date school and district websites that includes the use of to communicate with parents and students E-tips

19 Strong family, community and business support
Strategies: Provide for staff, students, parents, community and business Provide information about your system to local media (local newspaper, broadcast television and cable). Provide access to a district website for students, parents, community and business Provide access to Learning Centers for students, community, business Provide access for agency partners to computers, and networks Provide Internet and file access for students, staff, community and business (wireless, dial-up, cable or fiber) E-tips

20 Effective and efficient operations
Strategies: Policy – review, update and implement policies Budget- procure funding Personnel - assess if adequate support for technology program Security – maintain adequate security standards and policies Administrative Applications – provide appropriate applications to facilitate administrative and clerical operations Hardware – provide a variety of hardware that meets state technical standards to support the instructional program Infrastructure-School Local Area Networks and District Wide Area Networks – provide an infrastructure that supports the instructional and administrative requirements for all students and staff E-tips

21 Assistive Technology School Division
Provide adaptive and instructional technology for special needs populations. Include funding for assistive technology in the budget for special education departments. Identify and provide specialized instructional resources for at-risk students and for remediation needs. Identify and analyze assistive technology resources that accommodate individual student learning needs. Apply assistive technology to the instructional process and evaluate its impact on learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics and abilities. All school districts shall establish a process and written guidelines to provide consistency in serving various learning styles through adaptive/assistive technology services and devices, in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 (IDEA). E-tips

22 Web site with documents to download http://tps. dpi. state. nc

23 Inquiries or complaints should be directed to:
In compliance with federal law, including the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, N C Public Schools administers all state-operated educational programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, disability, or gender, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to: Dr. Elsie C. Leak, Associate Superintendent Office of Curriculum and School Reform Services 6307 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC Telephone (919) ; fax (919) E-tips

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