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Natural selection Today we are learning that the better plants and animals are adapted to their environment the more likely they are to survive.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural selection Today we are learning that the better plants and animals are adapted to their environment the more likely they are to survive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural selection Today we are learning that the better plants and animals are adapted to their environment the more likely they are to survive.

2 Look at the pictures of the Sumo Wrestler and the soccer player.
Why is the soccer player better adapted for playing soccer? Look at the pictures of the Sumo Wrestler and the soccer player.

3 Meet….. The Peppered Moth
Objective: Explain how the Industrial Revolution and the process of natural selection each played a part in modifying the appearance of the peppered moth.

4 Moths with light wings were camouflaged on trees.

5 Moths with dark wings were easy to spot by predators.

6 In nature the light color of this moth is most common.
Light colored moths had the advantage.

7 Along came the industrial revolution – and lots of pollution

8 This is an example of natural selection.
Tree trunks were discolored by the pollution from the factories. Now the black moths had the advantage. The darker moth was better camouflaged on the discolored trees, and within 50 years became the most common form of peppered moth. This is an example of natural selection.

9 As coal burning stopped the trees returned to their natural color.


11 Analysis Questions Write answers in your science notebooks
What did the experiment show about how prey are selected by predators?  2. What moth coloration is the best adaptation for a dark background? How do you know? 3. What caused the tree trunks of many trees to turn from a light color to a dark color? 4. Following the industrial revolution, which variety of moth increased? What is the name for this type of change? 5. Briefly explain what you learned about natural selection from this activity?

12 Evolution of the Peppered Moth Storyboard
Extension Activity Evolution of the Peppered Moth Storyboard Cut out the paragraphs and glue them in order. Draw a picture above each paragraph to illustrate what is happening. When this darker moth rests on a tree trunk it is spotted by a bird and eaten. 1850 The industrial revolution has started. Factories are producing huge amounts of pollution and the trees are going black. 1700 Peppered moths are a pale brown color. They like to rest on the trunks of trees where they are well camouflaged. The pale brown peppered moths are no longer safe resting on tree trunks. Their numbers decline. Occasionally there is a mutation in the color of the peppered moth and it is born a darker color. However, the mutant black moths are now better adapted and are camouflaged on the tree trunks. They survive to breed and pass on their genes. The species of peppered moth has evolved.

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