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Is it Safe to Eat a Food that has been Genetically Engineered?

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Presentation on theme: "Is it Safe to Eat a Food that has been Genetically Engineered?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is it Safe to Eat a Food that has been Genetically Engineered?
By: Jessie Lucas

2 * Genetic engineering process * Dangers of genetic engineering
You Will Learn... * Genetic engineering process * Dangers of genetic engineering * Genetic engineering food attempts * GE foods unsafe to eat

3 Process of Genetic Engineering
~> Scientists cut genes from DNA of one organism, putting them in another organism’s tissue ~> New added gene will help the recipient organism, causing it to gain or lose the trait in question

4 Genetically engineered foods could contain:
Dangers of GE foods Genetically engineered foods could contain: :: Toxins :: Allergens :: Poisons :: Diseases :: Harmful side effects

5 Gentically Engineered
Food Attempts ~ Slow ripening broccoli ~ Parasite free bananas ~ Crisper celery ~ lower caffeine coffee

6 ** UNSAFE TO EAT ** -- Not enough information about GE to be 100% sure it’s safe -- More research needs to be done -- GE foods should be marked “temporarily unsafe”

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