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Mr. Christopher Briner Unit 2.2 Ultrastructure of cells

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1 Mr. Christopher Briner Unit 2.2 Ultrastructure of cells
KIS International School DP Biology 11 Unit 2.2 Ultrastructure of cells

2 1.2.U3 Electron microscopes have a much higher resolution than light microscopes.

3 Prokaryotes Light vs. Electron microscopes Resolution
The shortest distance between two points that can be distinguished

4 Prokaryotes Light vs. Electron microscopes Resolution
Similar to the size of a pixel in a picture. If the pixels are too big, can see anything!

5 Prokaryotes Light vs. Electron microscopes Light microscopes
Resolution of nm Up to 1,000x magnification

6 Prokaryotes

7 Prokaryotes Light vs. Electron microscopes Electron microscopes
Resolution of nm Up to 10,000,000x magnification

8 Prokaryotes

9 Prokaryotes Light vs. Electron microscopes
Electron microscopes have a higher resolution than light microscopes Allow us to see the ultrastructure of cells Light microscopes allow us to see color and living samples

10 Prokaryotes

11 1.2.U1 Prokaryotes have a simple cell structure without compartmentalization.

12 1.2.S1 Drawing of the ultrastructure of prokaryotic cells based on electron micrographs.

13 Prokayotes

14 Prokaryotes

15 Prokaryotes Structure Cell wall: Always present
Composed of peptidoglycan Provides physical protection Maintains cell shape Prevents bursting in hypotonic environment

16 Prokaryotes Structure Plasma membrane:
Thin layer mainly composed of phospholipids Up against the inside of the cell wall Provides selectively permeable barrier to maintain homeostasis Controls entry and exit of substances Can pump substances in or out by active transport Can produce ATP by cell respiration Providing energy for the cell

17 Prokaryotes

18 Prokaryotes Structure Pili:
Protein filaments protruding from the cell wall Can pull in or push out by ratchet mechanism Used for cell to cell adhesion When bacteria stick together to form aggregations Used when two cells are exchanging DNA During conjugation

19 Prokaryotes

20 Prokaryotes Structure Pili:

21 Prokaryotes Structure Flagella:
Structures protruding from the cell wall with a corkscrew shape Base is embedded in the cell wall Using energy, they can be rotated To propel the cell from on area to another Unlike eukaryotic flagella, they are solid and inflexible, working like a propeller

22 Prokaryotes

23 Prokaryotes Structure Cytoplasm:
Fluid filling the space inside the plasma membrane Water with many dissolved substances

24 Prokaryotes Structure Cytoplasm: Contains many enzymes
Contains ribosomes Does not contain any membrane-bound organelles Carries out the chemical reactions of metabolism

25 Prokaryotes Structure Plasmid: Small ring of DNA
Can be traded with other prokaryotes through pili

26 Prokaryotes Structure Plasmid:

27 Prokaryotes Structure Ribosomes: Small granular structures (70S)
Smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes which are 80S Sites of protein synthesis

28 Prokaryotes

29 Prokaryotes Structure Mesosome: Incurling of the plasma membrane

30 Prokaryotes Structure Nucleoid:
Region of cytoplasm containing the genetic material (usually one molecule of DNA) DNA is circular and naked (not associated with protein) Total amount of DNA is much smaller than in eukaryotes

31 Prokaryotes Structure Nucleoid:
Nucleoid is stained less densely than the rest of the cytoplasm Because there are fewer ribosomes and less protein

32 Prokaryotes

33 Prokaryotes

34 1.2.A2 Prokaryotes divide by binary fission.

35 Prokaryotes Binary fission

36 Prokaryotes Binary fission Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission
Cell grows and DNA is replicated Cell wall and membrane pinch in DNA sets divided by membrane and wall Cells split

37 Prokaryotes Binary fission

38 Prokaryotes

39 Prokaryotes Binary fission

40 1.2.U2 Eukaryotes have a compartmentalized cell structure.

41 Eukaryotes

42 1.2.A1 Structure and function of organelles within exocrine gland cells of the pancreas and within palisade mesophyll cells of the leaf.

43 1.2.S2 Drawing of the ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells based on electron micrographs.

44 Cell membranes A quick introduction Hydrophobic fatty acid tails
Repel water and form the middle layer of the membrane. Hydrophilic phosphate heads Attract water and form the outer layers of the membrane.

45 Cell membranes A quick introduction

46 Cell membranes Structure Vesicles: Double membrane bound bubble
Used for transport of materials inside and outside the cell

47 Eukaryotes

48 Eukaryotes Structure Nucleus: Double membrane bound
Membrane contains pores for transport of proteins and ribosomes Contains chromosomes Made of DNA + protein Uncoiled chromosomes = chromatin Site of DNA replication and transcription into RNA

49 Eukaryotes

50 Eukaryotes

51 Eukaryotes Structure Free ribosomes:
Sites of protein synthesis for use within the cytoplasm Ribosomes are constructed in the nuclear region called the nucleolus

52 Eukaryotes Structure Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER):
Flattened membrane sacs (cisternae) Ribosomes attached to outside of cisternae Proteins synthesized by ribosomes enter cisternae Proteins collected within cisternae are packaged in vesicles Vesicles transport proteins to Golgi apparatus

53 Eukaryotes

54 Eukaryotes Structure Golgi apparatus:
Flattened membrane sacs called cisternae Unlike ER, cisternae are curved, shorter, and lack ribosomes Proteins received from arriving vesicles are processed Carbohydrates added to proteins to form glycoproteins Vesicles of glycoproteins exit Golgi for exocytosis or intracellular use

55 Eukaryotes

56 Eukaryotes Structure Lysosomes:
Spherical vesicles formed by Golgi apparatus Contain hydrolytic/digestive enzymes Enzymes for breaking down ingested food, damaged organelles, or entire cells

57 Eukaryotes

58 Eukaryotes Structure Mitochondria Double membrane bound
Inner membrane invaginated to form cristae Site of aerobic respiration Producing ATP

59 Eukaryotes

60 Eukaryotes Nucleus Mitochondria Plasma membrane Nucleoli
red blood cells (in adjacent blood vessel) Eukaryotes Nucleus Mitochondria Plasma membrane Nucleoli Red blood cells in adjacent blood vessel

61 Eukaryotes nucleus mitochondria plasma membrane nucleoli
red blood cells (in adjacent blood vessel) Eukaryotes

62 Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
Naked DNA DNA in cytoplasm no nuclear membrane No membrane-bound organelles no mitochondria, ER, golgi Ribosome size = 70S Only bacteria Size: µm Evolved at least 3.5 billion years ago Eukaryotes DNA associated with proteins True nucleus Enclosed by nuclear membrane Many membrane-bound organelles To compartmentalize functions Ribosome size = 80S All cells other than bacteria Size: µm Evolved 1.5 – 2 billion years ago

63 Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes

64 Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes

65 Plant cells Structure Vacuole Double membrane bound bubble
Filled with water Sometimes includes enzymes or molecules Formed by fusion of multiple vesicles

66 Plant cells

67 Plant cells Structure Chloroplast Double membrane bound
Internal stacks of grana called thylakoids Site of photosynthesis Producing glucose

68 Plant cells

69 Plant vs. Animal Cells Plant Animal Cellulose cell walls Chloroplasts
Large central vacuole Animal No cell walls No chloroplasts Lacking or small vacuoles

70 Plant vs. Animal Cells

71 Plant vs. Animal Cells Extracellular components Plant cell wall:
Composition: Cellulose microfibrils Functions: provides physical protection prevents excessive water uptake precluding bursting in hypotonic environment produces turgor pressure which holds whole plant up against the force of gravity

72 Plant vs. Animal Cells

73 Plant vs. Animal Cells Extracellular components
Animal extracellular matrix: Animal cells secrete glycoproteins Form the extracellular matrix Functions: Support (maintain shape and position) Adhesion (sticking to other cells) Movement (pull on matrix to move)

74 1.2.S3 Interpretation of electron micrographs to identify organelles and deduce the function of specialized cells.

75 Plant vs. Animal Cells

76 Plant vs. Animal Cells

77 Plant vs. Animal Cells

78 MAJOR SOURCES Thank you to my favorite sources of information when making these lectures! John Burrell (Bangkok, TH) Dave Ferguson (Kobe, JA) Stephen Taylor (Bandung, IN) Andrew Allott – Biology for the IB Diploma C. J.Clegg – Biology for the IB Diploma Weem, Talbot, Mayrhofer – Biology for the International Baccalaureate Howard Hugh’s Medical Institute – Mr. Hoye’s TOK Website – And all the contributors at

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