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Internationalising Learning

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1 Internationalising Learning

2 Starting Out… What we took away from the first session on internationalising learning: Creating an internationalised approach to learning takes everyone! It also takes time – in order for it to be both meaningful and lasting, it requires a process of gradual change. And finally, it needs clear vision – we had to know what we wanted, why we wanted it and how we were going to achieve it.

3 So what did we want?

4 Going for Green…

5 Our Plan… To develop a whole school approach towards gaining the Eco Green Flag award To ensure that all of the ideas and learning for this were relevant, fun and, above all, sustainable. Our Approach: To talk to all staff to find out what we already had in place to support our application. To discuss as a staff how we could embed eco issues further into the curriculum in an exciting, successful and lasting way. To set goals: look at the Green Flag criteria and see what more we needed to do to achieve it.

6 So What? What’s in it for the children?
As a staff, we decided to focus on the following areas with the children: Enjoyment and enrichment – developing a sense of joy and wonder in exploring our school and local eco-system. What do we stand to lose? Sustainability and taking responsibility Looking closer: learning more about our local eco-system and why it might need protecting Developing a community approach to achieving this (Both school-wide and local). Going Global: how some of these issues might relate to the wider world.

7 Enjoyment and Enrichment

8 Enjoyment and Enrichment Investigating and Exploring in Year R

9 Enjoyment and Enrichment Creating Art from Nature in Year R

10 Enjoyment and Enrichment Year R Explore Forest Schools

11 Enjoyment and Enrichment Building Dens Year 1

12 Enjoyment and Enrichment Developing a Team approach in Year 2

13 Learning Sustainability

14 Learning Sustainability Planting and Growing in Year R

15 Learning Sustainability Creating our class gardens

16 Taking Responsibility: the Whole School Approach

17 Looking Closer… what do we need to protect?

18 Looking Closer: learning about what we need to protect…

19 Looking Closer: learning about what we need to protect…

20 Looking Closer: developing cross-curricular coverage

21 Developing a Whole School Approach

22 Developing a whole-school approach Creating Minibeast habitats

23 Developing a whole-school approach Raising money for the local animal sanctuary

24 Developing a whole school approach Working with the RSPB to set up bird boxes

25 Opening up the challenge to our local community

26 Going Global!

27 Going Global: It’s a big world out there! Year 1 visit Bristol Zoo

28 Going Global: It’s a big world out there
Going Global: It’s a big world out there! Year 2 visit Bristol Zoo: Brrrr it’s cold… but getting hotter!

29 Going Global: A world of our own…

30 Going Global: Sending a Clear Message

31 The end… or just the beginning?
Our overall experience from this is that a carefully planned, inclusive approach can, and will, result in a more deeply embedded change for the better. By developing a culture of collaboration among staff future projects now seem far more possible. Most importantly, staff, parents and children have a deep sense of ownership and achievement in our super green Eco School!

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