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[Right Click to Edit Data]

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1 [Right Click to Edit Data]
Personal Development Plan A3-Status Report Title: Owner: Beta Testing Template Ver: Date: Owner: Supervisor: [Right Click to Edit Data] I. Background: Briefly talk about your current role. Why should I improve myself in order to be a coach/leader who creates an organization filled with problem solvers? Why this, why now? This section can be 5-7 sentences. V. Follow-Up Impact: What impact did you have on your processes, outcomes and goals ? (Baseline/Target/YTD) [Right Click to Edit Data] II. Current Conditions: What is happening today and what is not working? Here you want to list your current strengths and limitations. The 360 Survey can help you determine these through looking at your “Highest and Lowest Rated Items” on page 24. Problem Statement: What specific, measurable problem served as your baseline performance? VI. Further Analysis: Why does the problem exist, in terms of causes, constraints, barriers? Reasons for My Personal Performance/My Current Strong Habits and Limiting (Gap) Habits. You may update your original analysis and include new learnings. Internal A. My knowledge/skills B. My behaviors/tasks/habits C. Other: Gap: 1. 2. External 1 D. People E. Materials/Supplies F. Environment 360 Strengths 16/17 17/18 Limitations III. Targets and Goals: What specific measurable outcomes are desired and by when? Problem Statement Cause #1 Why? Cause #2 Cause #3 Goals Baseline Initial Target Target Date New Target (if applicable) VII. Plan : What, where, how will you implement, and by when? Cause Addressed Deliverable Date Status IV. Plan Implementation: What, where, how did you implement, and by when? Cause Addressed Deliverable Date Status VIII. Unresolved Issues ZSFG Personal Development Plan A3-Status Report (PDP A3-SR) Printed - 11/29/2018

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