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Animal, Plant & Soil Science

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1 Animal, Plant & Soil Science
Lesson C3-4 Nutritional Needs of Animals

2 Interest Approach Show students a picture of the USDA’s “Food Pyramid.” Ask the students why we have the food pyramid. When they answer, “So we eat the right things,” ask them to define the “right” things. Lead the discussion into objective one, explaining why it is important that we give animals the “right” things to eat.

3 Interest Approach Bring in an example of a fat, mineral, carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, and water. Have the students identify what nutrient can be found within each example. Possible things to bring in: a bottle of water, pasta (carbohydrate), a bottle of vitamins, lard (fat), cottonseed meal (protein), and table salt (mineral). After the students have identified the nutrients, lead a discussion about why animals need these to survive.

4 Objectives Identify the essential nutrients for animal production.
Discuss the importance of water as a nutrient. Discuss the importance of carbohydrates as nutrients.

5 Objectives Discuss the importance of lipids as nutrients.
Discuss the importance of proteins as nutrients. Discuss the importance of minerals as nutrients. Discuss the importance of vitamins as nutrients.

6 Terms balanced ration carbohydrates complex carbohydrates
disaccharides essential nutrients ether fats fat-soluble vitamins fiber lipids macro-minerals micro-minerals minerals

7 Terms monosaccharides nutrient proteins ration simple carbohydrates
vitamins water-soluble vitamins

8 What are the essential nutrients for animal production?
Proper animal nutrition is the key to good livestock production. Good nutrition can increase feed efficiency and the rate of gain. Animals must be fed a diet that meets their needs. If these needs are not met properly, the animals may not grow or reproduce, and they could die.

9 What are the essential nutrients for animal production?
Feedstuffs contain nutrients. A nutrient is a substance that is necessary for an organism to live and grow. A ration is the total amount of feed an animal is given in a 24-hour period. The ration can be fed all at one time or may be available at various points throughout the day.

10 What are the essential nutrients for animal production?
A balanced ration is one that contains all the nutrients that the animals need in the correct proportions. Too much of any one nutrient is wasteful and could be harmful to the animals. A nutrient deficiency can result in stunted growth and low production. Nutrients that are required for proper growth in all animals are called essential nutrients.

11 What are the essential nutrients for animal production?
There are six classes of essential nutrients. A. Water B. Carbohydrates C. Lipids or fats D. Protein E. Minerals F. Vitamins

12 What is the importance of water as a nutrient?
Water is necessary for survival. Animals can live longer without food than without water. Water makes up about percent of the weight of a mature animal and as much as 90 percent of a newborn. Water is found in every cell of the body.

13 What is the importance of water as a nutrient?
The amount of water needed by animals is related to the activities the animals perform and the life stages of the animals (lactation, gestation, etc.). Water can enter the body in many ways. Most water enters animals when they drink. Water is also found in the feed that animals consume, and it may be produced through biochemical reactions.

14 What is the importance of water as a nutrient?
The body loses water through urine, feces, sweat, and vapor from the lungs. Animals should consume clean and fresh water, and it should be available at all times. Water has two main functions in animal bodies.

15 What is the importance of water as a nutrient?
A. Water regulates body temperatures because it is able to accumulate, transfer, and lose heat through evaporation. B. Water also promotes biochemical processes in the animals. All biochemical reactions in the body require water, which is a major component of cells, blood, and body tissues.

16 What is the importance of carbohydrates as nutrients?
Carbohydrates are feed components that provide energy and are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. A major component of plant tissues, carbohydrates should compose approximately 75 percent of animals’ diets. Carbohydrates provide energy in a chemical reaction (that is much like burning) during digestion. This energy powers muscular movements.

17 What is the importance of carbohydrates as nutrients?
Carbohydrates also produce the body heat that helps to keep the animals warm. In addition to energy, carbohydrates aid in the use of proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are not stored in the body; they must be provided in the animals’ diets daily. Unused carbohydrates are converted into stored fat.

18 What is the importance of carbohydrates as nutrients?
A. There are three types of carbohydrates. 1. Sugars—There are two kinds of sugars: simple sugars (monosaccharides) and double sugars (disaccharides). Glucose and fructose are simple sugars. Sucrose is a double sugar. Sucrose is what is used to make table sugar. Glucose is an excellent source of energy for most cells.

19 What is the importance of carbohydrates as nutrients?
2. Starch—Starch is an important source of energy. Starch is converted to glucose in the digestive process.

20 What is the importance of carbohydrates as nutrients?
3. Fiber—Fiber is a carbohydrate that provides strength and support to cell walls. Fibrous material is left after the food has been digested. It is made of plant cells and cellulose. Fiber helps the digestive system function properly. Fiber also absorbs water and provides bulk. It plays an important role in ruminant digestion by increasing bacterial populations in the rumen.

21 What is the importance of carbohydrates as nutrients?
B. Carbohydrates may be classified as simple carbohydrates or complex carbohydrates. 1. Simple carbohydrates are monosaccharides or disaccharides that are easily digested. Sugar and starch are simple carbohydrates. This type of carbohydrate is found in cereal grains (e.g., corn, wheat, oats, barley, and sorghum).

22 What is the importance of carbohydrates as nutrients?
2. Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides (e.g., fiber, cellulose, and lignin). These substances are more difficult to digest than simple carbohydrates. These are found mainly in roughages, such as hay and pasture plants.

23 What is the importance of lipids as nutrients?
Lipids are a family of chemical compounds that include fats and oils. Lipids are food components that provide energy; lipids are also the form in which animals store energy. Lipids can be dissolved with ether, which is a colorless, liquid solvent used in nutrition research.

24 What is the importance of lipids as nutrients?
Fats are saturated lipid compounds that are solid at room temperature. Fats contain the highest amount of energy and can contain 2.25 times more energy than carbohydrates. Fats play an important role in supplying the energy needed by animals for normal body maintenance and enable fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K to enter animal bodies.

25 What is the importance of proteins as nutrients?
Proteins are organic compounds primarily composed of amino acids that allow bodies to grow and heal after injuries. These nutrients are needed to grow new tissues and to repair old tissues. Three to five percent of the body’s proteins are rebuilt every day. The largest amount of protein can be found in the muscles of animals.

26 What is the importance of proteins as nutrients?
Proteins can be classified as essential or nonessential. Whether or not a protein is essential for proper growth depends on the digestive system of the animal. Sources of protein include soybean meal, cottonseed meal, fish meal, and alfalfa hay.

27 What is the importance of proteins as nutrients?
A lack of protein is the most common nutrient deficiency. Most feedstuffs are low in protein, so a protein supplement may be needed. Symptoms of a protein deficiency include anorexia, slow growth rate, decreased feed efficiency, low birth weight, and lower milk production.

28 What is the importance of proteins as nutrients?
Young animals need more protein than older animals. Animals in gestation or lactation stages also need higher levels of protein in their diets.


30 What is the importance of minerals as nutrients?
Minerals are inorganic elements found in small amounts in the body. Minerals are essential in skeleton growth and are necessary for body systems to function properly. There are two groups of minerals.

31 What is the importance of minerals as nutrients?
A. Macro-minerals or major minerals are needed in the diet in relatively large amounts, ranging from a few tenths of a gram to one or more grams per day. The minerals in this group include: 1. Salt (NaCl) [Sodium & Chorine] 2. Calcium (Ca) 3. Phosphorus (P) 4. Magnesium (Mg) 5. Potassium (K) 6. Sulfur (S)

32 What is the importance of minerals as nutrients?
B. Micro-minerals or trace minerals are required in small quantities, ranging from a millionth of a gram to a thousandth of a gram per day. The minerals in this group include: 1. Chromium (Cr) 2. Cobalt (Co) 3. Copper (Cu) 4. Fluorine (F)

33 What is the importance of minerals as nutrients?
5. Iodine (I) 6. Iron (Fe) 7. Manganese (Mn) 8. Molybdenum (Mo) 9. Selenium (Se) 10. Silicon (Si) 11. Zinc (Zn)

34 What is the importance of vitamins as nutrients?
Vitamins are organic substances needed in small quantities to perform specific functions. Vitamins do not provide energy, but they are necessary in using energy. Vitamins aid the animals’ bodies by assisting in the regulation of body functions, keeping bodies healthy, and developing resistance to diseases. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to diseases or death.

35 What is the importance of vitamins as nutrients?
Vitamins are in one of two groups. A. Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins that are stored in the fat and are released as needed by the body. These include vitamins A, D, E, and K. B. Water-soluble vitamins are vitamins that are dissolved by water and need to be consumed daily, including vitamins C and B.

36 Review What are the essential nutrients for animal production?
What is the importance of water as a nutrient? What is the importance of carbohydrates as nutrients?

37 Review What is the importance of lipids as nutrients?
What is the importance of proteins as nutrients? What is the importance of minerals as nutrients? What is the importance of vitamins as nutrients?

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