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Raising Funds for Digital Projects

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Presentation on theme: "Raising Funds for Digital Projects"— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising Funds for Digital Projects

2 Set funding priorities
Four areas of financial need: Operating Special Projects *** Capital/equipment Endowment

3 Getting Started Formulate ideas Develop project Prepare proposal
“master” proposal Identify potential funders matchmaking Target the proposal Administer the grant

4 What’s the Big Idea? Planning session Identify priorities
Build consensus Include all stakeholders Staff, board members, volunteers, outside groups, users Which ideas are candidates for grant funding? Prioritize these candidates Who will: Identify potential funders Who will: Research and write proposal

5 What’s the Big Idea? Exercise One What’s Your Big Idea?
Write a brief, 1 –3 line description of a digitization or preservation idea you have Include potential funders, funding strategy Discuss with group

6 Funders Goal To develop a network of funders that Match your ideas
Provide regular small grants Periodic larger grants

7 Foundations Incorporated non-profit organizations
Policies establish nature and limitation of support Type of program Geographic region Min/max funding Type of organization that can receive funding

8 Matchmaking Do your research
There are thousands of foundations, but you will find the number of possible funders for YOU will narrow rapidly

9 Matchmaking There are many ways foundations can help you:
printing costs loaned executive programs product contributions free legal assistance used office furniture ad space transportation paper, supplies, etc

10 Your Foundation File Basic info (Name/phone/contact) List of grants made to your institution by the foundation List of grants to other similar institutions Newspaper and magazine articles Annual reports and brochures Correspondence and telephone records Copies of proposals submitted Record of relations — institution and foundation staff

11 The Proposal What is it? A written presentation to another party in order to gain its acceptance

12 The Functions of a Proposal
Represents a program, project, activity, or function that an organization wants to undertake in response to a need request for the allocation of resources instrument of persuasion promise to the funder to do certain things in certain ways a plan that serves as guidelines for the organization to implement the activity

13 The Proposal Specifies the need the proposed solution
the result of the solution the activities to be carried out the way they will be accomplished the number and type of staff needed the management of the program the required equipment and facilities the cost the starting and completion dates

14 The Proposal: Statement of Problem/Need/Purpose
Describes the conditions in a certain place at a certain time for a particular group of people This is often the motivator If the funder agrees with the need, you have them “hooked”

15 The Proposal: Need Clear relationship to your organization’s mission and purpose Focus on a need in the community, not in your organization Assertions should be supported with evidence Consistent with your organization’s ability to respond Easy to read; no jargon

16 The Proposal: Need Use facts and statistics, not assumptions
Focus the need on your community --don’t make it too broad Models if your solution can act as a model, mention this “addressing the need on a larger level through the development of a model program”

17 The Proposal: Need Focus on what you can accomplish
What need YOU have a solution for Collaborative projects are important

18 The Proposal: Objectives
Objectives/Goals/Strategies/Outcomes What will your program accomplish? Derived directly from the need statement Indicate action and a measurable result “To” statements Measurable How would the situation look if the need were satisfied?

19 The Proposal: Objectives
Goal a broad based statement of the ultimate result of the change Objective a measurable, time specific outcome that the organization expects to accomplish as a result of the grant. Narrowly defined

20 The Proposal: Objectives
Stated in quantifiable terms if you can’t measure it, you may need to rethink it State outcomes, not methods the result of an activity, not the activity itself Identify the population being served REALISTIC

21 The Proposal: Methodology
A detailed description of the activities and services to be implemented to achieve the objectives How are you going to achieve your goals and objectives? Why did you choose these methods? Research findings, experts, past experience, etc.

22 The Proposal: Methodology
Activities Select and prepare materials Scanning (on site or off site and reasons for) Preservation techniques (why were they chosen) Coordinate staff Promote program

23 The Proposal: Methodology
Build the project phases one on the other State what facilities and equipment will be used/available Often helpful to include a timeline for the process use generic time increments if specific dates are unknown first quarter, second quarter, etc. Define tasks, subtasks

24 The Proposal: Methodology
Include time and personnel for metadata creation (digitization) Include specifics for technical aspects, if you know them Dpi, types of scanners, software to be used, file formats and derivative, etc. Include preservation methodologies to be used and why

25 The Proposal: Organizational Plan
Organizational/Administrative Plan Essentially defines how the project will be administered Could make this part of the methodology section

26 The Proposal: Organizational Plan
Staff qualifications Consultant qualifications and reason for choosing qualified vs. over-qualified Refine job descriptions for the project Realistic timetable for hiring Be specific

27 The Proposal: Budget Budget
Translates the methodology section into dollars Government sources require more detail than foundation (usually) Follow funder forms and guidelines Estimate it will be revised -- guaranteed!

28 The Proposal: Budget Determine the budget period (may not be in line with your fiscal year) Estimate expenses Include overhead? How? Government agencies often assign a maximum allowable percentage of the total for this Determine matching funds and in-kind contributions allows the funder to see the actual amount the project costs

29 The Proposal: Evaluation
Outputs are facts Online History # items digitized # teachers who use curriculum # history units published # of students who make reports based on web based materials # of teachers who use online resources

30 The Proposal: Evaluation
Outputs may not tell us if our goals and objectives were met Evaluation - how did we do? Measure Outcomes Has our target audience changed or improved skills, attitudes, knowledge, behavior, status, or life condition by experiencing our program

31 The Proposal: Sustainability
How are you going to sustain and maintain the project/program at the end of the grant period? Will it continue to grow? How? How many organizational resources will this take? How will responsibilities be assigned? Funds?

32 The Proposal: Helpful Hints
One writer, many contributors outline before writing Follow the funder guidelines carefully and thoroughly Do your research; get the facts right Appropriate personnel/consultants One central need -- all ideas flow from that Avoid jargon

33 The Proposal: Helpful Hints
Be compelling, but don’t overstate Outside person to edit Outside person to review budget Be thorough Clear, concise Easy to read Confident tone

34 The Proposal: Helpful Hints
Do your research into the latest digitization trends, activities Be aware of related digitization projects Show how increased access or better preservation can effect the audience(s)

35 The Proposal: Helpful Hints
And remember that a good proposal doesn’t automatically result in obtaining a grant

36 Clarity logical, easy to follow Completeness including all items specified Internal consistency parts consistent with each other External consistency recognize accepted ideas of field

37 Criteria for Evaluating a Proposal
Understanding of the problem/viable need Capability to carry out promised activities Efficiency and accountability - timetable Realism Your funder may have specific criteria for the grant you are applying for

38 Wrap Up Administering a grant project is a lot of work
Reporting, reporting, reporting Managing a project and seeing it through to completion

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