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Compiler Design 7. Top-Down Table-Driven Parsing

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1 Compiler Design 7. Top-Down Table-Driven Parsing
Kanat Bolazar February 9, 2010

2 Table Driven Parsers Both top-down and bottom-up parsers can be written that explicitly manage a stack while scanning the input to determine if it can be correctly generated from the grammar productions In top-down parsers, the stack will have non-terminals which can be expanded by replacing it with the right-hand-side of a production In bottom-up parsers, the stack will have sequences of terminals and non-terminals which can be reduced by replacing it with the non-terminal for which it is the rhs of a production Both techniques use a table to guide the parser in deciding what production to apply, given the top of the stack and the next input

3 Top-down and Bottom-up Parsers
Predictive parsers are top-down, non-backtracking Sometimes called LL(k) Scan the input from Left to right Generates a Leftmost derivation from the grammar k is the number of lookahead symbols to make parsing deterministic If a grammar is not in an LL(k) form, removing left recursion and doing left-factoring may produce one Not all context free languages can have an LL(k) grammar Shift-reduce parsers are bottom-up parsers, sometimes called LR(k) Scan the input from Left to Right Produce a Rightmost derivation from the grammar Not all context free languages have LR grammars

4 (Non-recursive) Predictive Parser
Replaces non-terminals on the top of the stack with the rhs of a production that can match the next input. Input: a b eot Stack: X Y Z eot Output Predictive Parsing Program Parsing Table: M

5 Parsing Algorithm The parser starts in a configuration with S <eot> on the stack Repeat: let X be the top of stack symbol, a is the next symbol if X is a terminal symbol or <eot> if (X = a) then pop X from the stack and getnextsym else error else // X is a non-terminal if M[X, a] = X ->Y1 Y2 … Yk { pop X from the stack; push Y1 Y2 … Yk on the stack with Y1 on top; output the production } else error Until stack is empty

6 Example from the dragon book (Aho et al)
The expression grammar E  E + T | T T  T * F | F F  ( E ) | id Can be rewritten to eliminate the left recursion E  T E’ E’  + T E’ |  T  F T’ T’  * F T’ |  F  ( E ) | id

7 Parsing Table The table is indexed by the set of non-terminals in one direction and the set of terminals in the other Any blank entries represent error states Non LL(1) grammars could have more than one rule in a table entry id + * ( ) Eot E E T E’ E’ E’+ T E’ E  T T  F T’ T’ T’  T’  F T’ F F  id F  ( E )

8 Stack Input Output $E $E’T $E’T’F $E’T’id $E’T’ $E’ $E’T + $E’T F $E’T’ id $E’T’ F * $E’T’ F $ id + id * id $ + id * id $ id * id $ * id $ id $ E  T E’ T  F T’ F  id T’  e E’  + T’ E’ T’  * F T’ E’  e

9 Constructing the LL parsing table
For each production of the form N  E in the grammar For each terminal a in First(E), add N  E to M[N, a] If  is in First(E), for each terminal b in Follow(N), add N  E to M[N, b] If  is in First(E) and eot is in Follow(N), add N  E to M[N, eot] All other entries are errors

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