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Progesterone Only Injectables

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1 Progesterone Only Injectables

2 What it is Contains progesterone
Depo-Provera is the most widely used injectable contraceptive Injection given every 3 months DMPA, also known as Depo-Provera DMPA is administered as deep intramuscular injection once every three months at a dose of 150 milligrams. Injections may be given in the deltoid muscle of the upper arm or the gluteus muscle of the buttocks. The deltoid is generally more accepted by women and is more easily accessed by the provider. The choice should depend mainly on the woman’s preference. The active ingredients in DMPA are suspended in water, so the vial must be lightly shaken to dissolve any sediment at the bottom. The injection site should not be massaged after the injection because that causes the hormone to be absorbed more rapidly than desired

3 Mechanism of Action Suppresses hormones responsible for ovulation
Other MOA: Injectables also thin the endometrium, thus reducing the chance that a fertilized egg would be implanted. Discussion questions: What do women in your community believe about how injectables work? In the event that there are misconceptions about how injectables work, how can you explain the mechanism of action in simple terms? Thickens cervical mucus to block sperm

4 Who can use Injectables
Women of any parity including nulliparous with established menses Breastfeeding mothers after 6 weeks post partum Post abortion clients Women with uncomplicated diabetes, hypertension, valvular heart disease Women with STI, PID, Women with HIV/ AIDS and doing well on ARVs

5 Who should not use Injectables
Breastfeeding women less than 6 weeks Women with liver disease Women with breast cancer Women with severe hypertension, Women with unexplained abnormal vaginal bleeding Women suffering from deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

6 Benefits Highly effective Safe Easy to use Long acting Reversible
Can be discontinued without provider’s help Can be provided outside of clinics Use can be private Has no effect on breastfeeding

7 Disadvantages Side effects including
menstrual changes (irregular spotting or bleeding, prolonged bleeding, and amenorrhea. Headache, dizziness, nausea, breast tenderness, Weight changes After stopping the injections there may be delay in return to fertility Does not protect against STI/ HIV

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