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ece 720 intelligent web: ontology and beyond

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1 ece 720 intelligent web: ontology and beyond
lecture 4a: rdf – addendum

2 RDF URI and URIref URI identifies a resource in the Web URIref is URI Reference, it is a URI with an optional fragment identifier ece 720, winter ‘12

3 RDF URI and URIref fragment identifier is a string that refers to a resource “within” another primary resource identified by URI is attached to URI and preceded by the character # ece 720, winter ‘12

4 RDF URIref absolute
relative #PrivateDoc equivalent to ece 720, winter ‘12

5 RDF rdf:type is a property that provides an elementary typing system in RDF there is a triple: R rdf:type C ece 720, winter ‘12

6 RDF rdf:type R rdf:type C states that C is an instance of rdfs:Class and R is an instance of C. the rdfs:domain of rdf:type is rdfs:Resource the rdfs:range of rdf:type is rdfs:Class ece 720, winter ‘12

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