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“Economies of S+E Asia”

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1 “Economies of S+E Asia”
7th Grade Social Studies

2 SS7E8 SS7E8 “The student will analyze different economic systems.”

3 SS7E8c SS7E8c: “Compare and contrast the economic systems in China, India, Japan, and North Korea.”

4 SS7E8c China: Mixed economy:
A mixture of private and government-owned businesses Closer to Market side of continuum

5 SS7E8c China: Mao and the Communists set up a Command Economy during the early 1950s Over the past few years, the government has introduced more free enterprise China has transitioned from a mostly Command Economy to a modern Mixed Economy Rapidly industrializing Leads to much pollution

6 SS7E8c India: Mixed economy:
A mixture of private and government-owned businesses Closer to Market side of continuum

7 SS7E8c India: Affected by overpopulation Rapidly industrializing:
Leads to much pollution

8 SS7E8c Japan: Mixed economy:
A mixture of private and government-owned businesses Closer to Market side of continuum

9 SS7E8c Japan: After the U.S. helped rebuild Japan after World War II, the economy has greatly expanded Economy allows for a high amount of entrepreneurs and a high standard of living Huge trade surplus (Exports > Imports)

10 SS7E8c North Korea: Mixed economy:
A mixture of private and government-owned businesses Closer to Command side of continuum 98% Command

11 SS7E8c North Korea: The government plans all economic activities
The country is extremely close to being a pure Command Economy

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