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New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

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Presentation on theme: "New York State Department of Environmental Conservation"— Presentation transcript:

1 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Eliot Spitzer Governor Alexander B. Grannis Commissioner

2 Sportsman Education Law Enforcement Presentation

3 ECO Introduction Backgound Years of Service
Experience and areas of expertise Substitute your own personal information in the appropriate location.

4 ECO Information Work from residence, State phone listed in local phone books, in the game guides and on the DEC Website ECOs patrol in every county of the State from Manhattan to the Adirondack Wilderness Provide business cards to students Give a general description of the duties and responsibilities of an ECO

5 Hunting Licenses Sporting license year runs from October 1 to September 30. Sportsman Education certification is required to be eligible for a license

6 Hunting Licenses Junior Hunting License (small game only)
12-13 yrs must be accompanied by parent, guardian or relative over 21 with written permission. 14-15 yrs must be accompanied by parent, guardian or any person over 18 with written permission.

7 Hunting Licenses Junior Archery License (big game)
14-15 yrs must be accompanied by parent, guardian or any person over 18 with written permission. May hunt deer and bear during the special archery season and the regular deer season

8 Hunting Licenses Big Game License
16-17 yrs must be accompanied by parent, guardian or any person over 18 with written permission. May hunt deer and bear during the special archery season and the regular deer season

9 Hunting Licenses Backtag must be displayed on the middle of the back (Except in the Northern Zone and Catskill Park) Carcass tags must be filled in immediately with indelible ink and date must be cut out Hunter must carry his license and tags when hunting Deer or bear take must be reported using the DECALS toll-free number within 48 hours

10 Backtag displayed in the middle of the back

11 Image of backtag and license holdings

12 Image of carcass tags for resident bow, resident bear and resident regular deer

13 Completed turkey carcass tag
Completed turkey carcass tag. Note that “May” and “14” have been cut out.

14 Environmental Conservation Law
The law which provides protection for all of New York State’s natural resources The regulations that govern hunting, fishing and trapping are part of this law

15 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide
Information on Licenses including Junior Hunting Licenses. Word Definitions. Illegal Activity. Manner of Taking. Hunting Hours. Season and Daily Bag Limits.

16 Image of Hunting and Trapping Guide

17 Definitions "Hunting" means pursuing, shooting, killing or capturing… and includes all lesser acts such as disturbing, harrying or worrying, whether they result in taking or not, and every attempt to take and every act of assistance to any other person in taking or attempting to take wildlife. “Motor Vehicle” shall mean every vehicle or other device operated by any power other than muscle power, and which shall include but not be limited to automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, tractors, trailers and motorboats, snowmobiles and snowtravelers, whether operated on or off public highways “Motor Vehicle” would also include All Terrain Vehicles. “Motor Vehicle” would not include bicycles as they are operated by muscle power.

18 It Is Illegal to... Possess a loaded firearm in or on a motor vehicle
Discharge a firearm from or across a public highway Discharge a firearm or bow within 500’ of a dwelling house, farm building or farm structure actually occupied or used, school building, school playground, or occupied factory or church; Spotlight for Deer or Bear within 500’ of a home or farm building Spotlight for Deer or Bear with a firearm or bow in the vehicle unless firearm or bow are secured. Firearm is considered secured if it is taken down, locked in a case, or in the trunk. A bow is considered secured if it is unstrung or in the trunk.

19 It is illegal to discharge a firearm from or across a public highway

20 It Is Illegal to Take Wildlife...
While in, on a motor vehicle, or with the aid of a motor vehicle’s lights. On or from any public road or highway. With the aid of bait or over baited area. With a fully automatic firearm. With a firearm with a silencer.

21 It is illegal to possess a loaded firearm in or on a motor vehicle … to take wildlife while in, or on a motor vehicle…or to take wildlife from a public road. If the firearms are loaded, the hunters are in violation of possessing loaded firearms on a motor vehicle. There is potential for further violations, if the hunters are pursuing wildlife or attempting to take wildlife under these conditions.

22 It Is Illegal to… Take turkey with a rifle or handgun.
Possess afield or hunt wildlife with a semi-automatic centerfire firearm capable of holding more than 6 rounds. Take big game with the aid of artificial light. Note that the prohibition on six rounds does not apply to auto-loading firearms using rimfire cartridges.

23 Image of various forms of signs for posting property against trespass.

24 Posted Land and Trespassing
A Responsible Hunter ALWAYS Gets PERMISSION. A Responsible Hunter KNOWS his hunting area and can safely hunt there. Trespassing is ALWAYS Illegal unless it is unused, unfenced and unimproved property. You may not track wounded game on posted property without permission!

25 This hunter has his backtag attached to his backpack. Is this legal
This hunter has his backtag attached to his backpack. Is this legal? Yes, because it meets the criteria of being displayed on the middle of the back. If the backtag was attached to the hunters clothing and the backpack covered it, the hunter would be in violation of law by failing to display the backtag while hunting.

26 Hunting Hours Are sunrise to sunset for big game and most small game species. Furbearers can be hunted at any hour. Spring Turkey season hours are ½ hour before sunrise until 12:00 noon. Waterfowl hunting hours are ½ hour before sunrise until sunset.


28 Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits
Are management tools used by biologists to regulate game populations. Ensure a healthy game population now. Ensure future game populations. Ensure that all hunters have an equal and fair chance for a successful hunt.

29 Hunting is a privilege which can be REVOKED for...
Hunting while intoxicated or impaired. Illegal taking of a deer, moose or bear. Two convictions for violations of the Fish and Wildlife Law within 5 years. Hunting when under 16 and not accompanied by a parent, guardian or authorized adult hunter. Failing to appear or respond when charged with a violation of the Fish and Wildlife Law. Sec Revocation and suspension of licenses and of right to hunt, fish or trap without license.

30 Hunting privileges can be revoked for the Illegal taking of wildlife from a public highway when in or on a motor vehicle

31 Hunting is a privilege which can be REVOKED for...
Illegal taking of wildlife from a public highway when in or on a motor vehicle Discharge a firearm or bow while hunting and causing injury to or death of another person. Discharging a firearm or bow while hunting that endangers the life or safety of another. Discharging a firearm or bow while hunting that damages or destroys public or private property. Sec Revocation and suspension of licenses and of right to hunt, fish or trap without license.


33 The hunter discharged his firearm in a manner that endangered the lives or safety of others and damaged private property, making him eligible for revocation of hunting privileges.

34 License Revocation If your hunting privileges are revoked or suspended in New York State, they are also revoked or suspended in the 22 states that are currently members of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.

35 Hunter Harassment Law Interfering with the lawful taking of wildlife is illegal. Hunter must be properly licensed and not trespassing. Arrest can be made only by a Police Officer/Peace Officer. Sec Interference with lawful taking of wildlife prohibited. 1. As used in this section "wildlife" means wild game and all other animal life existing in a wild state, including fish, shellfish and crustacea, and "process of taking", in addition to any act described in subdivision thirteen of section of this article, includes travel, camping, and other acts preparatory to taking, which occur on lands or waters upon which the affected person has the right or privilege to take such wildlife. 2. A person is guilty of interfering with the lawful taking of wildlife when, with intent to prevent the taking of wildlife, in season, in a place where hunting, fishing or trapping is lawful, and by a person properly licensed to take such wildlife, he: (a) strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects the licensed person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same; or (b) follows the licensed person in or about such place and engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which alarm or seriously annoy such licensed person and which serve no legitimate purpose. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no one shall be arrested for violation of this section by other than a duly designated peace officer acting pursuant to his special duties, or a police officer.

36 What To Do If Harassed? Be able to identify the person harassing you.
DO NOT let them involve you in a confrontation. Keep firearms pointed in a safe direction. Leave the area and call the Environmental Conservation Police!

37 How Do You Contact an ECO?
hour dispatch center. 1-800-TIPP-DEC Turn In Poachers and Polluters toll-free hotline. All ECOs and Regional Office numbers are listed in the game guide. Comprehensive information on the DEC website at

38 Image of the NYSDEC Website home page

39 Hunting Related Shooting Incidents
Most are not “accidents”. They are generally attributable to failure to follow safety rules such as: Keeping the firearm pointed in a safe direction. Keeping the safety on and finger off the trigger. Positively identifying the target and what lies beyond the target. ECO should relate some incidents that he is familiar with in order to generate discussion on firearms safety and safe hunting practices.

40 ECO will be available during the break to answer any questions.
End of Presentation ECO will be available during the break to answer any questions.

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