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Atlantis and the Inner Detector

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1 Atlantis and the Inner Detector
Gary Taylor (UCSC) 7/3/2003 Outline Tracking in the inner detector at design luminosity Reconstruction of secondary vertices Association of ID tracks to the calorimeters Association of ID tracks to muon tracks Future plans

2 Check track reconstruction in difficult design luminosity event
Selected event has two high pt (>560GeV) jets ( DC1dataset 2045) Luminosity Silicon space points ,000 TRT hits ,000 Reconstructed tracks ,200 Reconstructed in minutes

3 2D projections of Inner Detector data not very useful at design luminosity
(TRT -ve barrel only)

4 Explanation of the fh and V-Plot projections
r = rMax V-Plot Draw each space point twice at F,h+k*(r-rMax) and F,h-k*(r-rMax) 3D information For tracks can judge f h pt (slope of V arms) charge ( L -ve V +ve) f low p, -ve r = 2 cm h Distorted V’s track not from IP high p, +ve

5 V-Plot silicon space points
Fh calorimeters

6 Filtering of space points available inside Atlantis
Filter space points with a histogram based technique which selects hits consistent with tracks originating from the primary vertex. Time = 1 sec/event ATLAS note in preparation

7 Filtered hits xKalman tracks True tracks
225 GeV 34 tracks 410 GeV 20 tracks 165 GeV 28 tracks 270 GeV

8 Tracks lost in core of central jet
Unreconstructed true tracks Unused filtered hits … and true tracks

9 Lost tracks in forward jet True tracks not reconstructed
All unused filtered hits Good unused filtered hits on true tracks

10 Zoom next track feature – allows easy checking of tracking
True tracks – association not yet available for reconstructed

11 Clusters from Silicon Strips (work in progress)
stereo clusters track space point rf clusters Need … cluster-to-track association z r

12 Clusters from a single module
Ghost hits

13 Identifying secondary vertices
Look for a group of nearby kinked V’s in the VPlot True tracks Reconstructed tracks D B

14 Reconstructed and simulated secondary vertices in XY plane (t-bln)
3s error ellipse Primary Reconstructed tracks True tracks

15 Secondary vertex region best displayed in abstract 3D Box
Ellipses represent track error (1s) Plane containing primary vertex Plane containing secondary vertex secondary vertex primary vertex

16 Single electron – 30 GeV pT (DC1)
LAr Presampler Pt=29.3 GeV E =31.2 GeV Cell geometry LAr Layer 2 LAr Layer 3 LAr Layer 1 Track (enters LAr here) Area a E Island (guides eye)

17 Muon tracking with Moore – work in progress
Need to follow muon tracks in magnetic field MDT RPC

18 V-Plot allows comparison
Comparison of muon and inner detector track fits f p = 28 GeV Dp = 5 GeV Df = 1.5 deg Dh = 0.02 muon tracks Inner detector tracks p = 25 GeV Dp = 4 GeV Df = 1 deg Dh = 0.01 V-Plot allows comparison of f, h and pt h

19 Future plans in Inner detector (near term)
add tracks from iPatRec add reconstructed track-to-hit association improve presentation of silicon strip data add histogram to search for high pt tracks in TRT

20 Conclusions many aspects of the reconstruction may be checked using Atlantis much more available soon followed by new public release users and their feedback/requests are very welcome tutorial foreseen during May software workshop happy to help produce event displays for user presentations Special thanks to Jon Couchman (Access to data from Athena –JiveXML) Hans Drevermann (Ideas and advice)

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