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Word Poster Color Scheme

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1 Word Poster Color Scheme
noun: blue adjective: teal TEACHER’S INSTRUCTIONS: Print the 2nd slide for each word on card stock to hang on the Word Wall. You may also want to print the 3rd slide for each word for posting as well. See Notes Page for next slide for more instructions. HOW TO PRINT WORD WALL POSTERS: It’s recommended that you print the slide posters on card stock paper and load this before you begin. Then, in PowerPoint: Click on “File” Menu and select “Print.” In the “Print” window that appears select these settings: (1) In “Print Range” section, select either: “Current Page”, to print the side you’re viewing or currently have selected or “Slides” and enter the slide number(s) you want to print separated by a comma. (2) In “Print What” section: (a) “Slides” should already be selected, to print one slide per page. (b) Select “Frame Slides” if you want a border around the slide (c) Deselect Grayscale if you want color posters (3) Click the “OK” button when ready to print (Color troubleshooting: If you have trouble printing color you may also want to check the printer settings by clicking the “Properties” button on the “Print Window” and looking at the “Color” settings for your printer.) Printing Notes: Instead of slides, you also can print “Notes Pages” (such as these instructions) or “Handouts” for a quick overall view of the slides. verb: red adverb: pink

2 Open Court Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 2
The Cat Who Became A Poet RUNNING the ANIMATION & TIMING the PRESENTATION The animation for the slides is designed to that you can prompt students for answers to questions like, “Does anyone know the meaning of this word?” or “What part of speech is this?” before clicking the mouse (or using the down arrow) to proceed to the animated answer. It is advisable that you run the presentation to get a sense of the timing of the animated components. RUNNING POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS To run the presentation: F5 key To end the presentation: Esc key To advance to next animation / slide: left mouse click or use the down arrow key To go back to previous animation / slide: use the up arrow key To jump to a specific slide: While running slide show type slide # and hit Enter key OnScreen Viewing Modes: In the “View” Menu, you can select any of the onscreen views: (1) “Normal” - 3 frames: * slide navigation links (left); * slide (top center); * notes (bottom center) (2) “Slide Sorter” - multiple slides in rows (like the “Handouts” print option) (3) “Notes Page” - Slide with accompanying notes (like the “Notes Pages” print option) (4) “Slide Show” - Runs the presentation (hit “Esc” to exit/end the show) Open Court Grade 3 Unit 3 Lesson 2 picture from:

3 I am a poet with a poem to write.
I want to be poet, a person who writes poems.

4 poet person who writes or composes poems poetic noun: (p. 216)
picture from: adjective: poetic

5 nibbling The great mouse Night with the starry tail Slides over the hills and trees, Eating the crumbs in the corners of Day And nibbling the moon like cheese. I often see the cat nibbling her cat food and sneaking away unnoticed by the dog.

6 nibbling (p. 217) verb taking small bites verb: to nibble

7 Some time later he woke up in alarm.
I don’t want to surprise you or cause you any alarm.

8 alarm (p. 217) noun: sudden fear; a sense of danger

9 Mom took my temperature when I told her my throat hurt.
She took the cat’s temperature and gave him some magic medicine that tasted of dandelions. Mom took my temperature when I told her my throat hurt.

10 temperature degree of hotness or coldness measured with a thermometer
noun: temperature degree of hotness or coldness measured with a thermometer

11 “Now talk!” she commanded.
The general commanded the soldier to do push-ups.

12 command (p. 218) verb to order noun: command

13 burglars He guards the house from cats, burglars and any threat of peacefulness. The burglars carefully planned the robbery, but the dog’s loud bark stopped them.

14 burglars (p. 220) noun: people who steal; thieves

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