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News from the Committee of the Regions

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Presentation on theme: "News from the Committee of the Regions"— Presentation transcript:

1 News from the Committee of the Regions
In focus on the future of Cohesion policy Oliver HEIDEN, Committee of the Regions, Commission for Territorial Policy, Transport and EU Budget (COTER )

2 Cor Political priorities
How does the CoR work? Cor Political priorities ECON NAT ENVE CIVEX SEDEC COTER Opinions, Events, Communication 2

3 CoR political priorities 2015-2020
A fresh start for the European economy The territorial dimension of EU legislation matters A simpler, more connected Europe Stability and cooperation within and outside of the European Union Europe of the citizens is Europe of the future 3

4 COTER annual political priorities
2016/2017 Effective implementation of ESIF, including simplification Synergies with other instruments Mid-term review/revision of the MFF Future of Cohesion Policy beyond 2020 Urban Agenda Territorial impact Assessments (TIA) and Urban IA (UIA) Beyond GDP Territorial Cooperation, macro-regional strategies, and EGTC Transport, including "missing links” 4

5 Future of Cohesion Policy
Opinion: "The future of Cohesion policy beyond 2020" (rapporteur: Mr Michael Schneider (DE/EPP) adoption in COTER foreseen for 2 March 2017, adoption in Plenary for May 2017. Reflection project on the Future of Cohesion policy Study: December 2015 3 Conferences: final: March 2016, with CoR members, representatives of Permanent Representations, representatives of national ministries, experts. Discussion at the joint REGI-COTER meeting on 12 October 2016 Rapporteur, CoR President, Commissioner Cretu participated) 5

6 Future of Cohesion Policy
Future challenges Contextual challenges (Europe 2020, MFF, Place based approach) Thematic challenges (demographic change, social exclusion, growth and jobs, innovation, competitiveness, decarbonising the economy, migration) Cohesion Policy narrative (policy on its own right or supporting other EU policies) Future focus Thematic focus (Europe 2020) Investment focus (Good investment and fiscal decentralisation) Urban/rural focus Future delivery Simplification Effectiveness and efficiency (quality of public policy planning) Future benchmarks for cohesion policy Architecture (private and public investment) Communication to the citizen 6

7 [SLIDE 7]

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