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Ancient Influences and Philosophy

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1 Ancient Influences and Philosophy
Geo Day 57 Ancient Influences and Philosophy

2 Objective I will be able to identify elements of ancient Greece in the world today

3 Starter What are some ways that you think ancient Greece has impacted the world today?

4 Ancient Greece’s influence on the modern world
Influence or Contribution How different

5 Art and Architecture 3 Eras of Greek History (Can be seen in art)
Archaic Classical Hellenistic

6 Archaic (680 – 500 BC) Oldest era of art
Features of Archaic Greek Art: Flat Stiff Unrealistic bodies Unrealistic poses Similar to another ancient civilization… What does this most closely resembled in what we have already studied? EGYPTIANS. They are across the Med. Sea from one another. Define: Unrealistic Stand like the statue Tootsie Roll hair? Can’t even tell she has legs. We don’t stand stiff. My fingers aren’t the size of my torso. World’s widest feet?

7 Classical (500-400 BCE) Features of Classical Greek Art:
Realistic, natural poses Human forms and muscles Records names of artists

8 Hellenistic (300-50 BCE) Features of Hellenistic Art:
Highly idealized figures Lots of muscle! Movement under cloth Dramatic poses and scenes

9 Doric Style (Archaic Period)

10 Ionic Style (Classical Period)

11 Corinthian Style (Hellenistic Period)


13 Parthenon Originally Today

14 Lincoln Memorial

15 Jefferson Memorial

16 White House

17 Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s Home

18 Utah County Courthouse

19 Utah State Capital

20 Life’s greatest questions (4 corners)
School should start later and get out later Cheerleading is a sport Money = happiness It is ok to lie

21 Philosophers Socrates Plato Aristotle Socrates (470-399 BCE)
Plato ( BCE) Aristotle ( BCE) IDEAS Broke away from mythological approach to explaining the world Used reason and evidence to understand human actions and the material world

22 Socrates Focus on how to live a good and virtuous life

23 Plato Discussed ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of religion

24 Aristotle Contributed to logic, mathematics, and sciences

25 Philosopher’s Motivational Poster
Design a motivational poster page Must: Have quote from my list and need to cite the philosopher who said it Have quote neatly written to be easily read (should take up at least half of page) Be neatly and properly decorated (must be visually appealing) I strongly recommend coloring it, you would have to have a good reason to leave it black and white

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