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Root Words.

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Presentation on theme: "Root Words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Root Words

2 Week 1.1

3 Aud

4 Definition: to hear Word examples:
audio: relating to the transfer of sound audience: a group of listeners or viewers

5 Auto

6 Definition: self Word examples:
automatic: having self-acting mechanism autobiography: the story of one’s life written by oneself

7 Week 1.2

8 Bene

9 Definition: good; well
benevolent: kind, well-meaning benefit: something that is helpful or an advantage; a perk

10 Bio

11 Definition: life Word examples: biology: study of living things
antibiotic: germ-killing medicine

12 Week 1.3

13 Chron

14 Definition: time chronological: record of events in the order or time in which they occurred synchronize: cause to happen at the same time

15 Dict

16 Definition: to say Word examples:
contradict: to speak against or say the opposite dictator: a leader who speaks and rules by force and with total power

17 Week 1.4

18 Geo

19 Definition: earth Word examples:
geography: study of the earth’s surface, climate, continents, people, etc. geocaching: the outdoor game involving a hunt for hidden objects using a GPS

20 Grad/Gress

21 Definition: to step Word examples: gradual: changing in small steps
progress: steps or movement toward a goal

22 Week 1.5

23 Graph

24 Definition: write calligraphy: elegant handwriting
homograph:two words written the same, but with different meanings

25 Jud

26 Definition: judge Word examples:
judgement: the ability to judge or make a decision prejudice: to judge before knowing

27 Week 2.1

28 Loc

29 Definition: place Word examples:
location: a place of settlement, activity, or residence local: pertaining to a specific place or position

30 Man/Manu

31 Definition: hand Word examples: manual: operated by the human hand
manicure: a cosmetic treatment of the hand

32 Week 2.2

33 Micro

34 Definition: extremely small
Word examples: microscope: an instrument that makes small objects look larger microwave: a small wave used to cook food

35 Migr

36 Definition: wander or move
immigrant: someone who moves to a new country migrate: to move from one place to another

37 Week 2.3

38 Mort

39 Definition: death Word examples: mortal: subject to death
mortician: a person who manages funerals

40 Ped/Pod

41 Definition: foot Word examples:
pedestrian: a person who travels on foot podiatrist: a doctor who treats foot disorders

42 Week 2.4

43 Phon

44 Definition: sound or voice
Word examples: telephone: an electronic device that carries sound over distance symphony: a large, classical orchestra

45 Photo

46 Definition: light Word examples:
photograph: a picture made by reflecting light off a plate photosynthesis: the process by which plants use light to make food

47 Week 2.5

48 Port

49 Definition: to carry Word examples:
transport: to carry or move from one place to another portable: capable of being carried or transported

50 Scrib

51 definition: write describe: to write down how something or someone looks scribble: sloppy handwriting that is hard to read

52 Week 3.1

53 Rupt

54 Definition: break or burst
Disrupt: break up an event or activity by causing a disturbance Bankrupt: to be out of money; financially broken

55 Spect

56 Definition: to look/see
Word examples: inspect: to look carefully over spectacle: an impressive display or show

57 Week 3.2

58 Struct

59 Definition: to build Construct: to build something
Instruct: to teach and build knowledge of a subject or skill

60 Syn/ sym

61 Definition: with or together
Synonym: two words with the same or similar definitions Symphony: a musical piece that combines many instruments together.

62 Week 3.3

63 Tele

64 Definition: distance Word examples:
television: a device that displays electronic signals received from a distance telescope: an instrument used to view distant objects

65 Test

66 Definition: to witness
Word examples: testify: to bear witness or give evidence attest: to confirm that something is true, genuine, or correct

67 Week 3.4

68 Tract

69 Definition: pull or drag
Word examples: Attract: cause or pull someone to have an interest in something Subtract: taking or pulling something away from something else

70 Trans

71 Definition: across Transfer: to move across places
Translate: change one language across to another language

72 Week 3.5

73 Vac

74 Definition: to be empty
Word examples: vacuum: a space devoid of matter evacuate: to leave empty

75 Vis

76 Definition: to see Word examples:
envision: to picture or imagine something supervise: to oversee work or a process

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