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Accuracy vs. Precision Accuracy- How close a measurement or observation is to a “true” value. Precision- How close repeated measurements or observations.

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Presentation on theme: "Accuracy vs. Precision Accuracy- How close a measurement or observation is to a “true” value. Precision- How close repeated measurements or observations."— Presentation transcript:


2 Accuracy vs. Precision Accuracy- How close a measurement or observation is to a “true” value. Precision- How close repeated measurements or observations are to one another.

3 Scientific Notation Conventional Notation to Scientific Notation
Example: 203,000 => 2.03 x 105 Scientific Notation to Conventional Notation Example: 2.45 x 10-6 =>

4 Sci Not Form Follows the following form: (1 #) . (#’s) X 10 Power
Power of 10 tells you how many times to move decimal POSITIVE if the number is BIG (Greater than 1) Example: 102, 10, 34,550 ZERO if the number is 1 NEGATIVE if the number is SMALL (Less than 1) Example: 0.1, 0.23,

5 Try the following: 34,670,000 0.32 3,200 32 3.0

6 Try the following: 3.456 x 107 m 1.2 x 100 kg 5.678 x 10-8 s
4.28 x 10-2 mm x 103 K

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