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Jeopardy! Early Rome Pax Romana Empire Begins Byzantine Empire

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! Early Rome Pax Romana Empire Begins Byzantine Empire"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! Early Rome Pax Romana Empire Begins Byzantine Empire
Decline & Fall Terms & People Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Pax Romana
Pax Romana means this.

3 $100 Answer from Pax Romana
Roman Peace

4 $200 Question from Pax Romana
He was the first emperor during the Pax Romana. He was responsible for building many of Rome’s great buildings. “I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.”

5 $200 Answer from Pax Romana
Augustus Caesar

6 $300 Question from Pax Romana
The Colosseum, which could hold up to 50,000 people watching the gladiators fight, was named for this reason.

7 $300 Answer from Pax Romana
It was built next to the colossus of Nero and meant “building next to the colossus.” (The statue of Nero was torn down after his death)

8 $400 Question from Pax Romana
During the Pax Romana, about 50,000 miles of roads were built by this group.

9 $400 Answer from Pax Romana
Roman Legionnaires

10 $500 Question from Pax Romana
This architectural innovation, building on the arch, allowed the Pantheon and Hagia Sophia to be built.

11 $500 Answer from Pax Romana
The Dome

12 $100 Question from Early Rome
According to Virgil, what hero of Troy fled the destruction of his city and made his way to Italy, in the region near Rome?

13 $100 Answer from Early Rome

14 $200 Question from Early Rome
According to Roman mythology, what two twins were raised by a she-wolf and eventually founded the city of Rome?

15 $200 Answer from Early Rome
Romulus and Remus

16 $300 Question from Early Rome
Rome would eventually remove its king and in place of the monarchy this political institution would rule.

17 $300 Answer from Early Rome
The Senate

18 $400 Question from Early Rome
The aristocratic families, or Patricians. controlled the Senate and Rome. However, the newly enriched Plebeians wanted power and were granted their Assembly and this key figure who had veto power in the Senate.

19 $400 Answer from Early Rome

20 $500 Question from Early Rome
Once Rome conquered the Italian peninsula, who did they go to war with in 264 BC for control of the Western Mediterranean?

21 $500 Answer from Early Rome

22 $100 Question from Empire Begins
Who was this famous general of Carthage, that defeated the Romans for 14 years in Italy?

23 $100 Answer from Empire Begins

24 $200 Question from Empire Begins
After the defeat of Carthage in 146 BC, the Romans had undisputed control of these three islands and two regions in the Western Mediterranean.

25 $200 Answer from Empire Begins
Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Spain and Carthage

26 $300 Question from Empire Begins
This man became the first dictator of Rome, challenging its democratic ideals, but eventually retiring after 3 years.

27 $300 Answer from Empire Begins

28 $400 Question from Empire Begins
He conquered Gaul and then formed the first triumvirate with Crassus and Pompey to rule Rome.

29 $400 Answer from Empire Begins
Julius Caesar

30 $500 Question from Empire Begins
After his assassination in 44 BC, Julius Caesar’s will named this young man as his heir. (birth name please)

31 $500 Answer from Empire Begins

32 $100 Question from Byzantine Empire
Who was the “emperor who never sleeps” that reconquered all of Rome’s former territories except Spain and Gaul.

33 $100 Answer from Byzantine Empire

34 $200 Question from Byzantine Empire
She kept her head during the Nika Revolt and served as a trusted advisor, as well as the empress, of “the emperor who never sleeps”.

35 $200 Answer from Byzantine Empire

36 $300 Question from Byzantine Empire
A group of key lawmakers took centuries of Roman Law and created this legal document to guide law proceedings in the Byzantine Empire.

37 $300 Answer from Byzantine Empire
Justinian’s Code

38 $400 Question from Byzantine Empire
Soon after the Nika Revolt the emperor and empress had this church built. Its dome was the biggest ever for almost 1,000 years. Today it serves as a mosque.

39 $400 Answer from Byzantine Empire
Hagia Sophia

40 $500 Question from Byzantine Empire
This general was responsible for the greatest victories of the Byzantine Empire including the “eternal peace” with the Persians, crushing the Nika Revolt and recapturing the Western Mediterranean.

41 $500 Answer from Byzantine Empire

42 $100 Question from Decline & Fall
As Rome became more difficult to rule, this emperor divided the empire to help rule each half more effectively.

43 $100 Answer from Decline & Fall

44 $200 Question from Decline & Fall
Some historians claim the reduced effectiveness of the Roman Legions helped lead to the fall of the empire, as the soldiers stopped employing these two key elements of their training.

45 $200 Answer from Decline & Fall
Drilling and using training gear that was heavier than combat gear

46 $300 Question from Decline & Fall
Name a key external factor and a key internal factor that led to the fall of Rome.

47 $300 Answer from Decline & Fall
Barbaian invasions and civil unrest as emperors were killed every couple of years

48 $400 Question from Decline & Fall
As the empire became more unstable, name at least 2 effects on the economy.

49 $400 Answer from Decline & Fall
Trade declined, Roman money lost value, and food prices rose

50 $500 Question from Decline & Fall
Rome finally fell to barbarians in this year.

51 $500 Answer from Decline & Fall
476 AD

52 $100 Question from Terms & People
These were the artificial waterways built to give Romans running water.

53 $100 Answer from Terms & People

54 $200 Question from Terms & People
During the republican era of ancient Rome this group eventually won political power and could have one of their number, a Tribune, attend Senate meetings with veto power.

55 $200 Answer from Terms & People

56 $300 Question from Terms & People
This emperor was considered the protector of Christianity; he issued the Edict of Milan.

57 $300 Answer from Terms & People

58 $400 Question from Terms & People
Often serving as “specialty” soldiers, these foreigners could earn Roman citizenship after 25 years of service.

59 $400 Answer from Terms & People

60 $500 Question from Terms & People
In order to ensure taxes were paid by everyone, the Romans ordered this to be taken on a regular basis (hint: Mary and Joseph were travelling to fulfill this obligation when Jesus was born).

61 $500 Answer from Terms & People

62 Final Jeopardy What battle that ensured Octavian would become the first Emperor of Rome is marked here?

63 Final Jeopardy Answer Actium

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