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Summer Leadership Institute

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1 Summer Leadership Institute
Deliberate Practice Plan Stephanie Luke & Laura Sachs August 9-10, 2012

2 Common Board Configuration
Date: August 10, 2012 Vocabulary: Deliberate Practice, Reflective Practice Bell Ringer: Data Exploration Agenda: Gradual Release I DO: Explain statute requirements related to implementing Deliberate Practice as the IPDP. WE DO: Determine growth levels from sample Deliberate Practice Plans YOU DO: Score sample DP Plans Learning Goal: We will understand how Deliberate Practice can strategically improve teacher practice and student achievement. Benchmark: TEAM Summarizing Activity: Needs Assessment Look at District Data for Bellringer and discuss weaker elements to improve upon to establish framework for DP. Objective: Participants will practice scoring sample deliberate practice plans. Homework: Set Deliberate Practice Goals with ALL instructional staff and score throughout the year. Essential Question: How will deliberate practice focus instructional practice to improve student achievement?

3 Lake County Schools Vision Statement
A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. Lake County Schools is committed to excellence in all curricular opportunities and instructional best practices. This focus area addresses closing the achievement gap, increased graduation rate, decreased dropout rate, increase in Level 3 and above scores on the FCAT, achieving an increase in the number of students enrolled in advanced placement and dual enrollment opportunities and implementing the best practices in instructional methodology. Summer Leadership Institute

4 21st Century Skills Tony Wagner, The Global Achievement Gap
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration and Leadership Agility and Adaptability Initiative and Entrepreneurialism Effective Oral and Written Communication Accessing and Analyzing Information Curiosity and Imagination Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: To compete in the new global economy, companies need their workers to think about how to continuously improve their products, processes, or services. “The challenge is this: How do you do things that haven't been done before, where you have to rethink or think anew? It's not incremental improvement any more. The markets are changing too fast.” Collaboration and Leadership: Teamwork is no longer just about working with others in your building. “Technology has allowed for virtual teams. We have teams working on major infrastructure projects that are all over the U.S. On other projects, you're working with people all around the world on solving a software problem. Every week they're on a variety of conference calls; they're doing Web casts; they're doing net meetings.” Agility and Adaptability: Ability to think, be flexible, change, and use a variety of tools to solve new problems. “We change what we do all the time. I can guarantee the job I hire someone to do will change or may not exist in the future, so this is why adaptability and learning skills are more important than technical skills.” Initiative and Entrepreneurialism: Taking chances and being a risk-taker. “I say to my employees, if you try five things and get all five of them right, you may be failing. If you try 10 things, and get eight of them right, you're a hero.” Effective Oral and Written Communication: The ability to be clear, concise, focused, energetic and passionate around the points they want to make. “We are routinely surprised at the difficulty some young people have in communicating: verbal skills, written skills, presentation skills. They have difficulty being clear and concise; it's hard for them to create focus, energy, and passion around the points they want to make. If you're talking to an exec, the first thing you'll get asked if you haven't made it perfectly clear in the first 60 seconds of your presentation is, ‘What do you want me to take away from this meeting?’ They don't know how to answer that question.” Accessing and Analyzing Information: The ability to know how to access and analyze large quantities of information. “There is so much information available that it is almost too much, and if people aren't prepared to process the information effectively it almost freezes them in their steps.” Curiosity and Imagination: The development of young people's capacities for imagination, creativity, and empathy will be increasingly important for maintaining the United States' competitive advantage in the future. “People who've learned to ask great questions and have learned to be inquisitive are the ones who move the fastest in our environment because they solve the biggest problems in ways that have the most impact on innovation.” Summer Leadership Institute

5 High Effect Size Indicators
“The Department’s identified set of indicators on high effect size instructional and leadership strategies with a causal relationship to student learning growth constitute priority issues for deliberate practice and faculty development.” -Florida Department of Education, 2012 Student learning needs and faculty and leadership development needs will vary from school to school and from district to district. However, contemporary research reveals a core of instructional and leadership strategies that have a higher probability than most of positively impacting student learning in significant ways. The indicators below link formative feedback and evaluation to contemporary research on practices that have a positive impact on student learning growth. • Research on the cause and effect relationships between instructional and leadership strategies and student outcomes address the effect size of a strategy: What degree of impact does it have? • In the context of district instructional and leadership evaluation systems, effect size is a statistical estimation of the influence a strategy or practice has on student learning. Effect size calculations result from statistical analyses in research focused on student learning where the correct and appropriate use of a strategy yields better student learning growth than when the strategy is not used or is used incorrectly or inappropriately. • In research terms, those strategies often identified as “high effect size” are those with higher probabilities of improving student learning. Classroom teachers need a repertoire of strategies with a positive effect size so that what they are able to do instructionally, after adapting to classroom conditions, has a reasonable chance of getting positive results. As school leaders and mentor teachers begin to focus on feedback to colleagues to improve proficiency on practices that improve student learning growth, emphasis should be on those strategies that have a high effect size. Where every Florida classroom teacher and school leader has Summer Leadership Institute

6 Classroom Teacher High Effect Indicators
School Leadership High Effect Indicators Learning Goal with Scales Tracking Student Progress Established Content Standards Multi-tiered System of Supports Clear Goals Text Complexity ESOL Students Feedback Practices Facilitating Professional Learning Clear Goals and Expectations Instructional Resources High Effect Size Strategies Instructional Initiatives Monitoring Text Complexity Interventions Instructional Adaptations ESOL Strategies Summer Leadership Institute

7 Why do we need Deliberate Practice?
LSI Why do we need Deliberate Practice? Show District Data Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International


9 Deliberate practice is a way for teachers to grow their expertise through a series of planned action steps, reflections, and collaboration. LSI Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

10 T The Goal of Teacher Evaluation: An expectation that all teachers can increase their expertise from year to year which produces gains in student achievement from year to year with a powerful cumulative effect Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

11 IPDP statute (4)(b)5 3(b) Each school district shall develop a professional development system as specified in subsection (3)… The professional development system must: 5. Require each school principal to establish and maintain an individual professional development plan for each instructional employee assigned to the school as a seamless component to the school improvement plans developed pursuant to s (18). The individual professional development plan must: Be related to specific performance data for the students to whom the teacher is assigned Define the in-service objectives and specific measureable improvements expected in student performance as a result of the in-service activity. Include an evaluation component that determines the effectiveness of the professional development plan.

12 LSI The Deliberate Practice Plan may be used as an option for districts if: Districts follow the FLDOE-approved model as presented. At least one of the Deliberate Practice growth targets is developed with consideration of appropriate student growth data. This domain describes 41 strategies that when used in the way they were intended to be used at appropriate parts of a lesson have a high probability to impact student learning when teachers engage in deliberate practice of these strategies in their classrooms and they receive focused feedback from colleagues and supervisors that help them improve. Note there are three lesson segments: Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events, Lesson Segments Addressing Content, and Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot. Each of these segments has unique purposes and goals for both the student and the teacher. Also note the 9 design questions under each segment which describe the questions that teachers ask themselves as they plan and implement instruction. Not all of these strategies would be seen in every lesson. A teacher using information based on the standards, grade level expectations determines which strategies will be most suitable to use to achieve student learning. Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

13 Making the Connections
Deliberate Practice Teacher Performance Student Achievement 11/29/2018

14 Deliberate Practice Involves:
LSI Deliberate Practice Involves: Focused Practice Focused Feedback Teachers must have accurate feedback in order to be able to practice – this feels like it would be most accurate coming from coaches, content experts, etc. 11/29/2018 Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

15 Deliberate Practice Plan Process
1. Self-Assessment Review Last Year’s Instructional Practice Data 2. Identify Focus Strategy Evaluator/Instructional Personnel 3. Create Measurable Goals 4. Actions/Reflections: On-going Tracking Progress 5. Measure Growth to Determine Deliberate Practice Scoring

16 1. Self-Assessment/ Reflection
Complete the Self=Assessment on the EXCEL system using the 5-Scale Marzano Rubrics and complete the table below. Identify one instructional strategy scored at lowest level/score on your self-assessment, and upon which you have an interest in improving, and the corresponding score (for purposes of establishing a data point for the baseline): Instructional Strategy Level/Score Current student behavior/learning that I want to see improve as a result of focusing on this target strategy Changes in student behavior/learning I expect to see as a result of focusing on this target strategy. 1. The teacher will complete a self-assessment and should also reflect on their scores at the end of the year. Evaluator and Instructional Personnel should agree upon starting score with fidelity. This should be done during first formal, post conference. Discussion can include initial data point provided during formal observation for target element.

17 2. Identify Focus Strategies
Working collaboratively with your principal, using the instructional practice data from your annual evaluation (classroom observation data) and the strategies identified from the self- assessment completed in Step 1, identify one instructional strategy upon which you will focus an demonstrate instructional skill growth for the year. The focus strategy should be an area with a lower score and where there is an interest in improving. Record the baseline score and indicate the level you expect to attain, and dates for achieving your growth goals. Instructional Strategy Baseline Level/Score and Date Anticipated Midpoint Growth Level/Score and Date Anticipated Final Growth Level/Score and Date 1. Score: Date:

18 3. Write Measurable Goals
State your Growth Goal (Example: By the end of the year, I will raise my score on tracking student progress from a 1 to a 4, and I expect to see these results evident in student learning/behavior…) Goals Goal #1

19 4. Identify Specific Action Steps & Resources
Describe specific actions you take or perform differently within your classroom to improve the use of the identified strategy, and the resources and materials needed to accomplish these action steps. Classroom Action Steps Resources & Materials Goal 1

20 4. Reflection Log Use a reflection log to record your insights about the strategy you have identified and practiced. The guiding questions below may be used to prompt your thinking. For your plan you should have a minimum of three reflection logs tied to the goal and strategy you have selected. Goal #1 Date: What am I learning about this strategy? How do I need to prepare my lessons differently? When I am using the strategy, what do I feel is working well for me in terms of evidences of improvement in student behavior/learning? How am I tracking the impact I have on student learning? What do I need to do to adjust in order to progress to the next level for the element? On what will I focus between now and the next progress check-in?

21 Ongoing Step: Action/Reflection & Tracking Progress
Record your goal in the space provided. Plot the available scores (self, mentor, and evaluator) for tracking progress as needed. Baseline Rating Data Point #1 Data Point #2 Data Point #3 Data Point #4 Data Point #5 Data Point #6 _________ Self Mentor (optional) Evaluator Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Date: Summative Score

22 4. Action/Reflection & Tracking Progress

23 Deliberate Practice Score
Scoring & Calculation Status Score 60% Status Score 100% Deliberate Practice Score 40% Even when we go to 50/50, DP will still comprise 40% of the Instructional Practice Score.

24 4 Steps to Calculate the DP Score
Step 1: Obtain data points for each target strategy (during formal & informal observations) Step 2: Determine the number of growth levels from the first data point to the last data point Step 3: Use the growth level and final data points against the scale to obtain the DP Score for each target element Step 4: Average the Deliberate Practice Scores for each target area element for the final element score (2013 & beyond)

25 Example Step 1: Obtain at least 2 data points for each element
Target Element October Data Point 1 March Data Point 2 Domain 1: Element 1 Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales 3 Note** Data points documented along the way provide feedback but only the first and last data points are used to score. For 2012 – 2013 only ONE Deliberate Practice Goal will be chosen for each instructional personnel. For 2013 and beyond, multiple goals can be chosen.

26 Example Step 2: For each element, determine the number of growth levels from the first data point to the last data point. October Data Point 1 March Data Point 2 Growth Levels Domain 1: Element 1 Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales 3 3

27 You Try: October Data Point 1 March Data Point 2 Growth Levels
Tracking Student Progress 2 3 ? Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Tasks… 1 Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students 4

28 Needs Improvement or Developing
Example Step 3: Use the scale to obtain the Deliberate Practice Score for the target element. Highly Effective (4) Effective (3) Needs Improvement or Developing (2) Unsatisfactory (1) Grows 3 levels Grows 2 levels Grows 1 level Achieves no growth Or grows to Level 4 Or grows to Level 3 Or grows to Level 2 Or scores at Level 1 For 2012 – 2013 this chart will be used as it reads. For example, a teacher can either grow three levels OR grow to a Level 4 to be rated as Highly Effective for their Deliberate Practice Goal. Whichever rule benefits the teacher more will be used.

29 Deliberate Practice Score Deliberate Practice Score
You Try: Levels Grown Final Level Deliberate Practice Score Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales 3 ? Tracking Student Progress 1 Celebrating Success 2 Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students 4 Levels Grown Final Level Deliberate Practice Score Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales 3 4 – HE Tracking Student Progress 1 3 – E Celebrating Success 2 Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students 4 4 - HE #1 – 4 because grew three levels (even though finished at an Effective, rated HE) #2 – 3 because grew to a Level 3(even though they only grew one level, finished at Effective, so Effective) #3 – 3 because grew to a Level 3 & grew two levels #4 – 4 because grew to a level 4 (even though only grew two levels) #5 – grew zero levels… so U

30 Example Step 5: Average the growth levels across target elements.
Levels Grown Final Level Deliberate Practice Score Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales 3 4 Tracking Student Progress 1 Celebrating Success 2 Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students Final Deliberate Practice Score 3.5 – Highly Effective This Step will only be in place AFTER 2012 – 2013, when more than one Deliberate Practice Goal can be set.

31 Deliberate Practice Score
Highly Effective Effective Needs Improvement or Developing Unsatisfactory 3.5 – 4.0 2.5 – 3.49 1.5 – 2.49 1 – 1.49

32 Calculating Instructional Practice Including Deliberate Practice
60% of Status Score + 40% of Deliberate Practice Score Final Instructional Practice Score Example: Status Score = % of 3 = 1.8 DP Score = % of 3.5 = 1.4 3.2 = Effective **Increased Status Score from 3 to 3.2**

33 You Try: **Remember** Status Score = 60% DP Score = 40%
Final Score = ? Status Score = 3.2 DP Score = 2 **Remember** Status Score = 60% DP Score = 40%

34 For the 2012 – 2013 implementation of Deliberate Practice, the score will only count if it impacts the overall Instructional Practice Score positively.

35 Calculating Instructional Practice Including Deliberate Practice
Beginning in 2013 – 2014, Deliberate Practice will be included with the Status Score to compute the overall Instructional Practice Score (IPS), regardless of its impact (either positive or negative) on the IPS. This is the plan we are submitting to FLDOE for approval.

36 Participant Scale and Reflection (Please complete and turn in)
0-Not Using No understanding or implementation steps taken away 1-Beginning Little understanding and inconsistent implementation steps taken away 2-Developing Moderate understanding and implementation steps taken away 3-Applying Consistent understanding and implementation steps taken away along with monitoring componets for effective execution 4-Innovating In addition to criteria of Applying, enhanced understanding, implementation, monitoring, and execution take aways Summer Leadership Institute

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