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Spring Leadership Meeting
Welcome Spring Leadership Meeting March 16-18, 2015 Wyndham Conference Center Peachtree City, GA 11/29/2018
Student Success: Imagine the Possibilities “The Georgia Story”
Georgia Department of Education Division for Special Education Services and Supports Zelphine Smith-Dixon, Ed.D. Assistant Director 11/29/2018
The Georgia Story Join me as I share “The Georgia Story” about our Sweet Georgia Peaches and possibly create a template for you to share your story! 11/29/2018
And…How is that working for you?
Dr. Phil’s Test And…How is that working for you? Better yet…How is that working for our Students with Disabilities (SWD)? Dr. Zell’s Test Even if it works for us but not for the most important one, is it the right work? 11/29/2018
Get to the root of the problem!
In order to tell the story of your sweet peaches, you have to carve the layers down to the pit! Collage Portrait Get to the root of the problem! 11/29/2018
Georgia Story Essentials Demographic Data
It’s difficult to know “what” to expect when you aren’t sure “who” to expect! Who are the characters in your story? Who or what is the villain? Enrollment Data Free/Reduced Lunch SWD Enrollment by Disability Categories Comparison of Graduation & Dropout Data by Subgroups Intersection of High Poverty and Teacher Quality Graduation Data Dropout Data SWD Enrollment 11/29/2018
Enrollment by Subgroups
What percent of total enrollment is SWD? Does this create a concern for over-identification? 11/29/2018
Student Enrollment compared to SWD Enrollment
How do the racial/ethnic subgroups represented in SPED compare to Total Enrollment?
Does that change the perceived face of SWD in the Georgia Story?
SLD, SLI, OHI, and SDD are the highest enrollment categories! What disability categories are more prevalent?
Other Health Impairment 28,294 Deaf 659 Hearing Impairment 1,183
Visual Impairment 655 Other Health Impairment 28,294 Deaf 659 Hearing Impairment 1,183 Orthopedic Impairment 865 Specific Learning Impaired 62,131 Emotional/Behavioral Disorder 12,952 Profound Intellectual Disability 656 Severe Intellectual Disability 1,401 Moderate Intellectual Disability 4,961 Mild Intellectual Disability 10,005 Significant Developmental Delay 22,201 Traumatic Brain Injury 417 Autism 14,913 Speech/Language Impairment 29,490 Deaf/Blind 23 Blind 159 Total Primary 190,965 8.9% of Total SWD Enrollment .987% (<1%) of Total Student Enrollment Remember, “adverse educational impact” does not equate to “Intellectual Disability!” Of these categories, which students demonstrate significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning? 11/29/2018
Is it about equitable access (e.g., medical evaluation)?
Why might there be more white students identified OHI? The identification of MID has more subjectivity. Consider the differences between MOID and MID.
67.65% of SWD (age 6-21) are males!
What is the distribution of males and females?
2014 Total Enrollment by Grades
There are fewer students by 12th Grade! Is this trend true for SWD? Is dropout impacting enrollment in the higher grades? 11/29/2018
Let’s begin the Georgia Story about our Sweet Georgia Peaches by scanning the final chapter-first. Let’s begin with the end in the mind. 11/29/2018
Graduation Rate Considering the P-12 Pipeline, what percent of “All Students” graduate with a general education diploma? 11/29/2018
How equitable are opportunities by subgroups?
Graduation Rate How equitable are opportunities by subgroups? 11/29/2018
Student Success Club AKA “Sweet Peach Exclusive”
5,027 Sweet GA Peaches were inducted into GA’s “2014 Student Success Club” as HS Completers 36.5% 11/29/2018
Special Education Diploma
“E” for Effort Club But Wait…There are other Sweet GA Peaches in the Completer Club who weren’t so Successful! Students who completed HS with their peers but received “Diplomas to Nowhere” At least 1,777 SWD were inducted into GA’s 2014 “E for Effort Club” as having received Sped Diplomas Special Education Diploma 11/29/2018
Special Education Diploma
“E” for Effort Club 1,108 males received Sped Diplomas while only 669 females received Sped Diplomas! Special Education Diploma 11/29/2018
Special Education Diplomas Certificate of Attendance
“E” for Effort Club Black Students with Disabilities represented over half of all SWD who received a Special Education Diploma. Special Education Diplomas Black Students represented over half of Total Enrollment who received a Certificate of Attendance! Certificate of Attendance 11/29/2018
All Students Dropout Rate
If they are not graduating with a general education diploma, are they dropping out of school? Remember, we hypothesized dropout was an issue based on declining enrollment! 3.7% (19,561) All Students Dropout Rate 11/29/2018
Dropout Rate 5.9% (3,579) SWD Dropout Rate 11/29/2018
Walt Disney Club How is that?
Students with Disabilities who disengage but wait for age 16 to drop out of school-just like Walt Disney! Well, not exactly, ages 14 and 15 are becoming honorary members. 3,579 Sweet GA Peaches were inducted into the “2014 Walt Disney Club” as HS Dropouts Grades 9- 12! n 1918, while still in high school, future Oscar-winning film producer and theme park pioneer Walt Disney began taking night courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Chicago. Disney dropped out of high school at age 16 to join the army, but because he was too young to enlist, he joined the Red Cross with a forged birth certificate instead. Disney was sent to France where he drove an ambulance that was covered from top to bottom with cartoons that eventually became his film characters. After becoming the multimillionaire founder of the Walt Disney Company and winning the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Disney received an honorary high school diploma at age 58. 11/29/2018
Dropout Rate 2.7% (21,986) All Students
Note – There is a 7-12 Dropout Rate, and it can be quite different from the 9-12 Dropout rate. While the denominators can make the percentage smaller, the numerators could be significantly higher! 2.7% (21,986) All Students 11/29/2018
Dropout Rate 4.1% (3,944) SWD 11/29/2018
Phantom of the Opera Club “Middle School Dropout”
Can you believe how many of our Sweet Georgia Peaches fall in between the cracks of the P-12 Pipeline? “ All Students “ 2,425 Grades 7 & 8 “SWD” 365 Grades 7 & 8 GA’s 4-Year Trend for All Students - 9,462 GA’s 4-Year Trend for SWD – 1,430 11/29/2018
Retained Students FY2014 Data
Note – Correlation between Dropout and Grade Retention Is it a retention issue or a course completion issue? Are students disproportionately retained at a particular level? Note – 56,406 students were retained. We know at least 33,119 Peaches were retained in 9-12th grades. 11/29/2018
How might LRE influence this data?
Why is there such discrepancies when students are accessing similar environments? 65% of SWD (age 6-21) received instruction in the general education environment >80%! 11/29/2018
How can we rewrite the “beginning” of the story to get the “ending” we want? First, we have to figure out which chapters to delete next time? 11/29/2018
Pre-Kindergarten Report Card
58.13% (81,453) Pre-K Peaches Served 55.13% (44,906) of the enrolled Pre-K Peaches are At-Risk! Beginning of the P-12 Pipeline In Georgia, we are committed to improving the graduation rates for all students-especially students with disabilities! While districts must show improvement in this area over the next five years, we realize that graduating students with a general education diploma is a process not an event. There are many variables that must “input” to get this “output!” It is essential for districts to examine various types of data to support the P-12 pipeline to graduation. 11/29/2018
With an increasing poverty rate, is 58.13% really enough?
Student Learning Data How well are the students demonstrating what they know? ACT and SAT Data Benchmark Data Universal Screening Data GA Student Health Survey CRCT Data NAEP Data EOCT Progress Monitoring Data 11/29/2018
Is there a correlation between graduation and discipline?
Do we see any trends? Statewide Data 11/29/2018
Considering the 2014 Cohort
What were the barriers and salient data trends? How much of this analysis can be generalized to past and future cohorts? How much of this analysis is specific to variables surrounding those students? 11/29/2018
Class of 2014 during the 3rd Grade Year
2009-2010 During the 8th Grade Year
2010-2011 During the 9th Grade Year
2014 Cohort Longitudinal Data
2014 Cohort Longitudinal Data
Class of 2014 12th Grade Assessment Data
Total Performance Scores Performance 1 “Not Meeting Standard” Assessment Scores belonging to 12th Grade SWD 1468 952 Who were the nonperforming 12th Grade Students with Disabilities? 57.67% (549/952) were Black SWD. 70.69% (673/952) were male SWD! 40.33% (384/952) were Black Males with Disabilities! 11/29/2018
Let’s suppose Georgia does nothing different
Let’s suppose Georgia does nothing different! Considering 2014 Performance 1 Scores by Disability Categories, What can we predict for the Class of 2023? 11/29/2018
2013-2014 Student Support Team (SST) Data
Unknown Variable – Tier 2 Students 10% Sped 2.8% Tier 3 How is it working for us? 11/29/2018
Are there discrepancies by racial/ethnic groups?
Are there discrepancies by gender?
How does this trend mimic Sped enrollment? 11/29/2018
Quality & Assurance Check
800 schools across 55 LEAs reported 0 for students as having received SST! 605 schools reported 20 or fewer students! 11/29/2018
Correlation to Disproportionality
Reviewed data for a sampling of 50 districts 49 of the 50 didn’t meet the ESEA Waiver Grad Target for SWD 48% had a Disproportionality Determination (Identification, Placement or Discipline) within the past 3 years In the past two school years (FY13 and FY14), 38 of the identified districts had noncompliance related to interventions and supports for all students! 11/29/2018
It is about teaching capacity?
What a difference student growth makes…
Just One Example… Math II Gifted American Literature SWD 11/29/2018
Perceptions are realities for the people who have them!
Perception Data Perceptions are realities for the people who have them! GAPSS Data What perception data can be used to support the problem identification! SACs Data Sped Parent Survey GA Student Health Survey Title One Parent Survey Data 11/29/2018
SSIP Parent Survey Results
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree My child's current performance and progress toward graduation are clearly communicated. 29.8% 46.8% 19% 4.5% My child's special education services are regularly reviewed and appropriate adjustments are made in academic and behavioral supports. 33.9% 46.3% 16.1% 3.7% My child's teachers and administrator communicate an expectation of success that includes graduation from high school. 31.3% 48.2% 15.5% 5.1% Partnered with Parent to Parent to poll 1,329 families with children with disabilities ages 3-21…These three statements had the lowest satisfaction.
Student Survey Data Polled 452 SWD (at high schools across the state) and obtained the following perception data… 89.38% believed they were on track for graduation. 94.92% believed they understood current progress and performance for graduation. 91.37% communicated that administrators believed that they could graduate 11/29/2018
Georgia's Student Health
and Safety Survey 33.9% of students, ranging from 6th through 12th grades ( out of 587,043), answered "yes" they thought about dropping out of school. Won't Drop Out 387,994 Bored 72,947 Family Reasons 30,662 Being Bullied 26,276 Other 69,164 Total 587,043
Where the rubber meets the road…
Are you using the “Data Detail” reports? 11/29/2018
How well do we do business!
Process Data How well do we do business! Safety Nets for Struggling Students Instructional Strategies Tiered Supports for Students Tiered Supports for Adults Universal Expectations and Procedures Inspecting what you Expect Systematic Response Systems 11/29/2018
Process Data about 36 State Initiatives
State Infrastructure Process Data about 36 State Initiatives 11/29/2018
Big Take-Away The State is going above and beyond compliance to improve graduation outcomes for students! These activities extend across grade bands. The distribution of resources formed a bell curve! 11/29/2018
Big Take-Away Unfortunately, a small percent of this work involves capacity building for district leadership team. There aren’t continuous TA and Feedback Loops to support this work from the State to the class. 37.93% rated effective impact at the “4” to “5” levels. 41.38% rated effective impact at the “3” level. 11/29/2018
P-12 Pipeline 11/29/2018
Data Rich Information Poor
D.R.I.P. Data Rich Information Poor 11/29/2018
The P-12 Pipeline can learn a lot from the insurance business!
Why do young adults receive the lower premium by age 25? Statistics show, young drivers are becoming more responsible, settling into careers, moving into their own homes and starting to raise families. All of these factors together paint a picture of behavioral maturity insurance-drop.html 11/29/2018
All of our students are at risk!
Human Brain fully develops by Age 25! Until then…some key behaviors are demonstrated coincidentally vs. consistently! • Decision making • Use of appropriate judgment • Rational thinking • Long-term Planning Global thinking vs. self-centered thinking All of our students are at risk! 11/29/2018
Everything I needed to be successful, I learned during Preschool!
“It was always about the ABCs!
Preschool 11/29/2018
“It was always about the ABCs!
K-12 11/29/2018
It’s still about the ABCs!
Beyond P-12 Pipeline A large percentage of young people preparing to enter the workforce over the next two decades are significantly lacking in the “soft” skills such as teamwork, decision-making, communication, work ethics, adaptability, and critical thinking that will help them be effective employees. America’s Promise It’s still about the ABCs! 11/29/2018
90% of the iceberg is under water!
Iceberg Syndrome SYMPTONS 90% of the iceberg is under water! UNDERLYING CAUSES 11/29/2018
Symptoms SYMPTONS Approximately 10% Graduation Data
Least Restrictive Environment Data Low test scores Poor SGPs Graduation Data Dropout Data Behavioral Concerns High Absenteeism Course Completion Enrollment 11/29/2018
Why spend 90% of your time treating 10% of the symptoms
Why spend 90% of your time treating 10% of the symptoms ? Isn’t this the educational version of malpractice? SYMPTONS UNDERLYING CAUSES 11/29/2018
Let’s Practice! Which should we treat?
High Blood Pressure 11/29/2018
Now, which do you treat? Struggling Academically Acting out in class
Withdrawing & Skipping School Becoming very Angry Demonstrating Low Motivation 11/29/2018
Is an individual case of Ebola a child issue or system issue?
Great, then why does “becoming angry, struggling to read, skipping school etc. automatically become individual issues for students and treated on a case-by-case basis? Sometimes, this is a symptom that “how you do business” needs tweaking? 11/29/2018
The Processes Data are like a “blue thread” that
Process Data Student Learning Data Perception Data Demographics Data Effective Intervention: When “usable”, they create meaningful ACCESS to the science. Rigorously-derived evidence helps us decide WHICH interventions to adopt. Effective Implementation Methods: Creates higher fidelity EXPERIENCE of interventions. Delivery systems are changed to support full and effective USE of interventions. Enabling Contexts: Creates supportive HOSTS of interventions. Delivery systems CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE based on learning from experience. The Processes Data are like a “blue thread” that pulls all the data sets together! It brings meaning to the analysis!
Don’t just rely on the monitor data…Read the data on the faces of your babies!
“People Improvement Business”
Don’t miss the most invaluable data set, which is on the faces of the people and students you support! You can’t get process data from a monitor! Sometime the monitor doesn’t get it right! There could be a data lag but always read the “human data!” Welcome to the world of processes data! Human error is inevitable! 11/29/2018
Technical Problems Adaptive Challenges
Easy to Identify Simple Problems Difficult to Identify Layered Challenges Quick Solutions Few Changes Complex Solutions Change in values, beliefs... Expert or authority can solve the problem! People with the problem do the work of solving it! Are you planning to address Technical Problems or Adaptive Challenges with some Technical Fixes?
Barriers “It’s really an equity issue”
Access to the General Curriculum for All Students Effective Instruction with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Interventions and Supports Access to Positive School Climate for All Students Learning environments that nurture the whole child Access to Specially Designed Instruction for Students with Disabilities Appropriate services and supports 11/29/2018
Barriers “How do we know this?
Access to the General Curriculum for All Students Student Learning Outcomes such as Course Completion Referral patterns for SST and Special Education. Access to Positive School Climate for All Students School Climate Ratings, Safe and Health Survey, Discipline Data, Attendance Access to FAPE in the LRE for Students with Disabilities One example, SLD and OHI consistently led the way for SWD not demonstrating proficient skills on assessments! 11/29/2018
Barriers “What needs to happen?
These equity access barriers for students can be directly impacted by changing adult practices. Effective Districts supporting Effective Schools supporting Effective Teachers = Student Success Imagine the Possibilities 11/29/2018
Let’s begin with the image from the end but rewrite the beginning
Let’s begin with the image from the end but rewrite the beginning! We have to change the process of how we support people to change! 11/29/2018
SLDS Join me on Voyage Student Success! An opportunity to create equitable opportunities for all GA Peaches to redeem their membership in the “Graduate Club” District Data Toolkit 11/29/2018
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