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Knowledge Connections

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Connections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Connections
Vocabulary  Hypothesis Rationalism Term Definition Knowledge Connections Picture

2 Essential Question What were some of the most important achievements of the Scientific Revolution?

3 Who was Francis Bacon? Argued that all ideas based upon tradition and unproven data should be thrown out Proposed a new way to study the world FRANCIS BACON English Thinker Created the SCIENTIFIC METHOD

4 Why was this method important?
The SCIENTIFIC METHOD is made up of several steps The ultimate goal is to discover whether or not a hypothesis is true… If it is, it becomes scientific law

5 His biggest findings were the Laws of Motion and Gravity
Who was Isaac Newton? Used reason and the scientific method to make many important discoveries Found out that white light is actually made up of many different colors Invented a new form of math  calculus ISAAC NEWTON His biggest findings were the Laws of Motion and Gravity

6 What impact did reason have on science?
Using reason and the scientific method, thinkers made many more scientific breakthroughs

7 What did William Harvey do?
William Harvey discovered circulation – understanding how the heart pumps blood through the body

8 What did Robert Hooke do?
Robert Hooke discovered cells – those small structures that make up living tissue

9 and Air is composed of a mixture of gases
What did Robert Boyle do? Robert Boyle discovered that all materials can be broken down into elements and Air is composed of a mixture of gases

10 What did Joseph Priestley do?
Joseph Priestley discovered that oxygen is one of the major gases in the air we breathe and that the process of combustion (burning) requires oxygen and a flammable material

11 Essential Question What were some of the most important achievements of the Scientific Revolution?


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