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Writing Successful Narrative Essays

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1 Writing Successful Narrative Essays
Three Essentials

2 Three Essentials Conflict Change or Resolution Descriptive Writing

3 Conflict The problem in the story.
Inner conflict: occurs within you Ex: building the nerve to ask someone out. Outer conflict: occurs outside you. -Ex: sticking up for yourself or someone else.

4 Change or Resolution How your conflict ends.
Resolving a conflict is as important as having one. Think of your resolution before you begin writing, so you have a goal.

5 What does this story need?
Descriptive Writing “And that’s the time I won 2 cheesesteaks and found a puppy on the sidewalk. Just a typical Tuesday.” What does this story need? Vertical Time: adding details to increase suspense. Figurative Language: (metaphor, simile, personification) to enhance the writing.

6 In Review Conflict is the skeleton of the story.
Resolution is the heart of the story. Descriptive writing is the skin and flesh. Good narratives have all three.

7 Great Things You are Already Doing as Writers…
Using actions: wailed, gazed, yelled, ran Including setting details: weather, time of year Beginning your story with dialogue Similes: “Brian’s face looked like a tomato!” Using ellipses (…) to create suspense

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