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Promotion of European agriculture, a new approach Panel discussion 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland Priorities expressed by AREPO in the Green Paper consultation.

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion of European agriculture, a new approach Panel discussion 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland Priorities expressed by AREPO in the Green Paper consultation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion of European agriculture, a new approach Panel discussion 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland Priorities expressed by AREPO in the Green Paper consultation on the Promotion of Agricultural Products

2 Presentation of the AREPO from 2004 31 members regions from 7 EU countries More than 40 % of the EU GIs 2 colleges : regions et producers Présidency : Emilia-Romagna IT Présidency of the professional college : Midi- Pyrénées FR Technical committee : Andalousia SP In Poland, Malopolska is member of our network 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland

3 Need to support the promotion of quality schemes (For the record: PGI, PDO, TSG, Organic Farming, national systems, Integrated Production, Mountain) The constraints of specifications and certification are additional costs for producers But there are benefits to civil society: public goods (landscape, biodiversity, maintaining activities in rural areas, including in difficult areas such as mountains, dry Mediterranean areas...) And benefits for consumers: guarantees on production methods, origin of raw materials, certification 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland

4 Recognize and develop the role of regions – Regions are responsible for rural development, economic development, land use planning – Regions conduct collective operations needed especially for smaller operators or sectors – Regions are involved in proximity to people and economic actors: support for local projects, able to meet the expectations of civil society for local products 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland

5 What should be the target of the promotion of quality products – Consumers to improve knowledge on logos and what they mean – Young people to reach families and to build on the future – Chain of production and consumption to participate in the vertical organization: production - processing – distribution – Food service (HO-RE-CA) 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland

6 The proposed solutions – Promote collective operations with the support of regions: collective marks, product and / or territories associations on internal and external markets – Really take into account the quality products in the CAP: For Producers: Aid for certification, bonus in the decoupled direct payment, For producer groups: aid for certification, feasibility studies, market research, development and innovation in products and distribution For emerging projects: aid from the interim procedure (is to tell the stage of recognition by the Member States) 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland

7 Implement a real institutional promotion at the European level Promote the logos of quality schemes Define values to communicate : food safety, sustainability, diversity ("Taste of Europe" is a program but it can not be a single message) Clarify the message about the farming origin : on agricultural products, on the main raw materials for processed products, from Member States or regions / or from outside the EU Improve the international protection = open new external markets 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland

8 Thank you for your attention Website : Mail : 29.11.2011 Warsaw, Poland

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