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Imperialism in Latin America

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1 Imperialism in Latin America
By: Anna, Parker, Alexa, Nathan, Gracen, Cobi

2 The U.S. in Latin America United states began to intervene in the affairs of southern neighbors in the late 1800s 1895- Jose Marti lead revolt in Cuba against Spanish role The brutality of that war was what led the United States to declare war against the Spanish Result- Cuba became protectorate of the United States In 1903 President Theodor Roosevelt Supported the rebellion that led to the making of the Panama Canal The Panama Canal separated them from Columbia and made a new nation The United States built the panama canal that opened in 1914 The canal connects to the Atlantic and Pacific It takes about 8-10 hours for a ship to move through the Panama Canal After that President Rosevelt expanded the involvement in Latin America

3 The U.S in Latin America (continued)
During this time the European powers threatened to send warships to Santo Domingo to collect debts Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe- united states would intervine United States took control of the debt collection United states replaced Europe as source of loans and investments Investments 7.5 billion dollars out of country U.S. sent troops to Cuba Mexico Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama Columbia Haiti Dominican Republic

4 Revolution in Mexico Landowners took a more direct interest national policies and even in governing Some countries even supported dictator who looked out for them Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico and created a conservative The army supported Diaz Led to the revolution During this time the wages of workers had declined Now 95% of people living in a rural population owned no land About 1000 families own most of Mexico Francisco Madero forced Diaz from power in 1911 Madero was a liberal landowner Madero made a bigger effort to handle the revolution He put good administrators in his office that helped However his efforts were not effective

5 Revolution in Mexico The northern states were almost in anarchy because Panacho Villa’s armed bandits Emiliano Zapata led a agrarian reform He aroused a lot of peasants without land Even though Madero wanted and agreement Zapata did not The Mexican revolution caused a lot of damage to the economy A new constitution was made in 1917 to help them get out of this economical trouble This led to the creation of land reform policies, established limits to foreign investments and set an agenda to help the workers

6 Prosperity and Social Change
Based to a large extent on the export of a few basic items Exchanged for finished goods The also increased their own industrialization and built factories to produce there goods Still they are underdeveloped region They still kept old pattern and there old ways The middle class still shared some characteristics Lived in cities Sought education and decent incomes Export economy boomed especially after 1914 The industrialization led to urbanization By that time about 53 percent of Argentina's population lived in cities

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