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“rooted and built up in him” Colossians 2:7

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1 “rooted and built up in him” Colossians 2:7
October 3, 2013 MULTIPLY “rooted and built up in him” Colossians 2:7


3 What is MULTIPLY all about?
Rooted: in God’s Word Prayer: lift up our school and each other Fellowship: eat together, encourage each other, enjoy each other’s company Represent: Jesus at Hart Middle School Multiply: disciples making disciples

4 Shirt Design (free if you attend at least once)
Front Back “rooted and built up in him “ Colossians 2:7

5 Today’s Focus: Prayer Brainstorm topics that we can pray about
Example: our school List specific prayer ideas on notecards and put them in the prayer box Can be broad (safety at our school) or specific (your friend who is struggling with something)

6 What Now? Take the verses sheet on prayer home and highlight them in your Bible (take a Bible if you want one) Share MULTIPLY with others Goal: ask at least 3 other students from your grade to come to MULTIPLY next Thursday

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