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Jürgen Rehm 1,2,3 & Benjamin Taylor 2

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1 Jürgen Rehm 1,2,3 & Benjamin Taylor 2
Volume of alcohol consumption, patterns of drinking and burden of disease in the Americas 2002 Jürgen Rehm 1,2,3 & Benjamin Taylor 2 1 Institut für Suchtforschung (ISF - Addiction Research Institute), Zurich, Switzerland 2 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Toronto, Canada 3 University of Toronto, Canada

2 Causal model of alcohol consumption, intermediate mechanisms, and long-term consequences
* Independent of intoxication or dependence

3 Adult per capita consumption in litre pure alcohol 2000 (based on CRA)

4 Pattern of drinking 2000 (based on CRA)

5 Estimation of AAF for different disease categories
Estimation of AAF for different disease categories Volume of drinking Drinking pattern hazard score (predominance of intoxication) Other chronic Diseases (except CHD and depression) Injuries Coronary heart disease Alcohol- attributable conditions (by definition) Depression from psychiatric surveys

6 Alcohol related disease and injury
Chronic disease: Cancer: Mouth & oropharyngeal cancer, Esophageal cancer, Liver cancer, Female breast cancer, other neoplasms Neuropsychiatric diseases: Alcohol use disorders, unipolar major depression, epilepsy Diabetes Cardiovascular diseases: Hypertensive diseases, ischemic heart disease, stroke Gastrointestinal diseases: Liver cirrhosis Conditions arising during perinatal period: Low birth weight Injury: Unintentional injury: Motor vehicle accidents, drownings, falls, poisonings, other unintentional injuries Intentional injury: Self-inflicted injuries, homicide, other intentional injuries

7 Classification of countries in WHO European regions by childhood and adult mortality (WHO, 2000)
America A America B America D very low childhood and very low adult mortality low high childhood and low adult mortality high childhood and high adult mortality USA Canada Cuba Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican republic, El Salvador, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru Definition of regions*: The regional subgroupings used were defined by WHO (World Health Report 2000) on the basis of high, medium or low levels of adult and of infant mortality.

8 Estimates of alcohol-related burden in South America
Epidemiological developments (i.e. changes in distribution of disease such as chronic disease vs. infectious disease) Changes in drinking (average level and patterns of drinking) => slides with green background

9 Exposure: Characteristics of adult alcohol consumption in different regions of WHO AMRO: based on CRA (i.e. no new data on consumption included) (population weighted averages across countries; cf. Rehm et al., 2003b, 2004; Babor et al., 2003)

10 Adult alcohol consumption in different categories 2000 in % - Americas - males
Abstainer g/d Cat.I Cat II 40-60 Cat III 60 + Amro-A 27.1 55.2 12.9 4.8 Amro-B 21.1 67.8 3.9 7.1 Amro-D 30.3 67.4 1.6 0.8

11 Adult alcohol consumption in different categories 2000 in % - Americas - females
Abstainer g/d Cat.I Cat II 20-40 Cat III 40 + Amro-A 42.1 52.8 3.4 1.7 Amro-B 46.0 46.8 2.7 4.5 Amro-D 44.5 2.3 0.8

12 And after GENACIS and World Health Surveys and new per capita estimates (2002)….?
Similar overall consumption rates Different distributions between ages Different distributions between drinking categories: => Higher proportions of people with heavy drinking

13 Adult alcohol consumption 2002 in % - Americas - Males
Abstainer g/d Cat.I Cat II 40-60 Cat III 60 + Amro-A 28.3 39.1 21.7 10.9 Amro-B 18.8 56.6 11.3 13.3 Amro-D 32.0 59.1 2.5 6.5

14 Adult alcohol consumption in 2002 in % - Americas - Females
Abstainer g/d Cat.I Cat II 20-40 Cat III 40 + Amro-A 38.6 36.8 16.4 8.2 Amro-B 40.2 41.0 10.1 8.7 Amro-D 50.2 47.8 0.6 1.5

15 Changes between 2000 and 2002 estimates in different categories of alcohol consumption
females males

16 Alcohol-attributable deaths in Americas 2002 by disease and region – epidemiological model
Amro A Amro B Amro D All of America M F Both Low birth weight 23 19 78 60 13 10 203 Cancer 10365 6787 11117 7121 802 815 37006 Neuro-psychriatric conditions 6923 1872 14263 1835 2224 374 27492 Vascular conditions -28231 -38285 45281 13203 3188 1595 -3249 Other non-communicable diseases 9962 1878 25590 5928 2310 988 46657 Unintentional injury 17406 5942 53362 5871 4392 1435 88409 Intentional Injury 7352 1782 53519 3419 1807 299 68180 All alcohol-related deaths 23800 -20003 203210 37438 14736 5515 264697 % alcohol-attributable of all deaths 0.9 -0.7 7.5 1.4 2.7 1.0 4.4 For % alcohol-attributable of all deaths: Numerator = gender-specific disease category Denominator = region specific total deaths Total deaths in America 2002 =

17 % of all alcohol-attributable
Alcohol-attributable mortality 2002 (number of deaths) – America epidemiological model vs. world America % of all alcohol-attributable World Maternal perinatal conditions 203 0.1% 3,057 0.2% Cancer 37006 14.0% 377,968 21.2% Neuro-psychriatric conditions 27492 10.4% 113,603 6.4% Vascular conditions -3249 -1.2% 196,646 11.0% Other non-communicable diseases 46657 17.6% 237,985 13.3% Unintentional injury 88409 33.4% 585,553 32.8% Intentional Injury 68180 25.8% 269,155 15.1% All alcohol-related deaths 264697 100.0% 1,783,567 % alcohol-attributable of all deaths 4.4% 3.1%

18 Comparison of alcohol-related deaths of 2002 to 2000 – epidemiological model only
For all of America, the relative size of mortality of alcohol-related deaths decreased slightly (4.4% in 2002; 4.7% in 2000). The numbers of alcohol-related deaths -decreased in all three regions, with biggest decreases in America Region D. For the world, the relative size of alcohol-related deaths stayed at about the same level (3.2% in 2000; 3.1% in 2002).

19 Alcohol-attributable deaths (basis: new alcohol prevalence estimates and epidemiological shifts in COD) Amro A Amro B Amro D All of America M F Both Maternal perinatal conditions 23 19 78 60 13 10 203 Cancer 13012 11210 13114 8961 842 780 47920 Neuro-psychriatric conditions 7036 2096 14774 2174 2314 340 28733 Vascular conditions -31354 -30331 39009 13841 2278 1404 -5154 Other non-communicable diseases 11005 4709 28272 5081 3119 371 52557 Unintentional injury 19723 5942 53362 5871 7029 733 92661 Intentional Injury 7352 1782 53519 3420 3120 237 69430 All alcohol-related deaths 26797 -4574 202124 39407 18716 3874 286346 % alcohol-attributable of all deaths 1.0 -0.2 7.5 1.5 3.5 0.7 4.8

20 % of all alcohol-attributable
Comparison chart on alcohol-attributable deaths: best estimates 2002 versus 2000 estimates America 2002 best estimates % of all alcohol-attributable 2000 CRA estimates Maternal perinatal conditions 203 0.1% 873 0.3% Cancer 47920 16.7% 35989 12.9% Neuro-psychriatric conditions 28733 10.0% 26815 9.6% Vascular conditions -5154 -1.8% 1567 0.6% Other non-communicable diseases 52557 18.4% 45540 16.3% Unintentional injury 92661 32.4% 96201 34.5% Intentional Injury 69430 24.3% 71871 25.8% All alcohol-related deaths 286346 100.0% 278856 % alcohol-attributable of all deaths 4.8% 4.7%

21 Comparison of alcohol-related deaths from 2000 to 2002 – best estimates for 2002
There are no major changes in estimates of alcohol-related mortality from 2000 to 2002 Two developments: Epidemiological change -> less deaths in alcohol-related categories More heavy drinking -> more deaths…. Americas continue to have a high mortality burden from alcohol Please note, that this is a net burden, after subtracting cardio-protective effects

22 Alcohol-attributable BOD in DALYs (basis: new alcohol prevalence estimates and epidemiological shifts in COD) Amro A Amro B Amro D All of America M F Both Maternal perinatal conditions 4.0 3.3 11.0 9.3 1.7 1.3 31.0 Cancer 127.8 138.8 148.4 120.1 9.6 9.5 554.2 Neuro-psychriatric conditions 2209.3 673.8 3115.8 859.7 315.3 77.9 7318.1 Vascular conditions -192.5 -174.0 386.1 152.0 23.1 12.9 215.8 Other non-communicable diseases 154.6 81.0 562.3 123.6 63.1 8.2 1004.7 Unintentional injury 428.6 106.1 1130.2 160.9 184.7 20.1 2364.7 Intentional Injury 36.2 1065.5 103.3 71.7 5.8 1984.9 All alcohol-related deaths 2884.2 865.3 6408.5 1528.9 669.2 135.6 % alcohol-attributable of all deaths 6.1 1.8 9.1 1.9 0.8

23 % of all alcohol-attributable
Comparison chart on alcohol-attributable DALYs: best estimates 2002 versus 2000 estimates America 2002 best estimates % of all alcohol-attributable 2000 CRA estimates Maternal perinatal conditions 31.0 0.2% 31.6 Cancer 554.2 4.1% 399.5 2.9% Neuro-psychriatric conditions 7318.1 54.3% 6953.2 50.1% Vascular conditions 215.8 1.6% 266.3 1.9% Other non-communicable diseases 1004.7 7.5% 89.6 6.5% Unintentional injury 2364.7 17.6% 2906.1 20.9% Intentional Injury 1984.9 14.7% 2430.4 17.5% All alcohol-related deaths 100.0% % alcohol-attributable of all deaths 9.3 9.7

24 Comparison of alcohol-related DALYs from 2000 to 2002 – best estimates for 2002
There are no major changes in estimates of alcohol-related burden of disease from 2000 to 2002 Americas continue to have a burden of disease from alcohol Please note, that this is a net burden, after subtracting cardio-protective effects

25 Relative impact of alcohol for different age groups
For all three regions, for both genders, with one small exception, the relative weight of alcohol on deaths is strongest in the age group years of age In this age group, there are no beneficial effects of alcohol on mortality

26 Age and sex distribution among alcohol-related deaths in WHO America regions and in World for the year 2002 (own calculations) 0 to 14 15 to 29 30 to 44 45 to 59 60 to 69 70 to 79 80+ Total deaths in 1000 Males AmrA 2.5% 28.9% 47.7% 48.9% 9.0% -10.1% -27.0% 23.8 Amr B 1.1% 24.7% 22.6% 21.4% 13.4% 10.0% 6.8% 203.2 Amr D 2.9% 6.5% 27.2% 22.8% 18.8% 13.2% 8.8% 14.7 World 1.2% 15.2% 20.6% 26.1% 18.6% 12.9% 5.3% 1636 Females Amr A Not meaningful, as there was a net beneficial effect, but there were no net gains before age 60 2.1% 9.3% 21.0% 17.5% 17.0% 19.7% 37.4 15.0% 12.8% 18.0% 16.1% 13.1% 5.5 5.4% 21.8% 31.9% 47.1% 31.3% 11.2% -48.7% 165

27 Conclusion for policy -> main targets based on epidemiology
This is the major aim of this conference, but from an epidemiological side, policies to reduce health burden in the following areas should be considered: Heavy drinking occasions Overall level of consumption Youth Injury Alcohol use disorders

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