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1/20 Daily Catalyst Pg. 6 Conversions

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1 1/20 Daily Catalyst Pg. 6 Conversions
Kayla plant two elodea plants in two separate pots. Both receive the same amount of sunlight and water. One plant is watered with water (pH=9) and the other plant is watered with water (pH= 2). The height of the plants are measured over a month. 1. What is the IV variable? 2. What is the DV variable? 3. What are the constant variables? 4. Generate a possible title for the graph to the right:

2 1/20 Daily Catalyst Pg. 6 Conversions
Kayla plant two elodea plants in two separate pots. Both receive the same amount of sunlight and water. One plant is watered with water (pH=9) and the other plant is watered with water (pH= 2). The height of the plants are measured over a month. 1. What is the IV variable? Acid water (pH=2) and basic water (pH=9) 2. What is the DV variable? Height 3. What are the constant variables? Sunlight and amount of water 4. Generate a possible title for the graph to the right: People’s favorite Skittle flavors.

3 1/20 Daily Catalyst Pg. 6 Conversions
Syllabus contract is overdue and needs to be turned in Unit Test #1 on Friday Quiz #2 data: Make-up’s today at lunch Average Top Scorers: 1st Period 1.93 Tashtoni, Rilda, Odalys, Christian 2nd Period 2.11 Brian, Eva, Amani, Wyatt, Chase, Kayla, Daniel V.

4 1/20 Daily Catalyst Pg. 6 Conversions
Class Business Conversion notes Conversion practice Exit Ticket #3

5 1/20 Daily Objective Today, we will be able to utilize mathematics, organizational tools, and graphing skills to solve problems and interpret data.

6 What do these items have in common with one another
What do these items have in common with one another? They all include units and we need to understand the units to fully comprehend what the recipe means or which direction to take.

7 Conversions in Biology
Scientists throughout the world use the metric system to make measurements. The metric system is also used in everyday life virtually everywhere except the United States. Can you think of an exception? Today, we are going to take about units in Biology. Exceptions are liter soda, mm camera film, and track and field measurements are in meters.

8 Metric System Metric units commonly used in biology include:
Key Points #1: Common Units meter (m)—length liter (L)—volume kilogram (kg)—mass degree Celsius (C)—temperature

9 What else is based on the unit of ten system?
Metric System Unlike the English system with which you are already familiar, the metric system is based on units of ten. What else is based on the unit of ten system? Our monetary system is based on tens.

10 Conversions We convert between units depending on what we are measuring. We are always start with the base unit. This may be meters or liters or grams. Depending on what we are measuring, we can multiply the base by a larger or smaller number.

11 Decimal Placement Key Point #2: Decimal Placement

12 Decimal Placement

13 Metric Conversions Ladder Method

14 How many jumps does it take?
Ladder Method 1 2 3 KILO 1000 Units HECTO 100 Units DEKA 10 Units DECI 0.1 Unit Meters Liters Grams CENTI 0.01 Unit MILLI Unit How do you use the “ladder” method? 1st – Determine your starting point. 2nd – Count the “jumps” to your ending point. 3rd – Move the decimal the same number of jumps in the same direction. 4 km = _________ m Starting Point Ending Point How many jumps does it take? 4. 1 __. 2 __. 3 __. = 4000 m

15 How many jumps does it take?
Ladder Method 3 KILO 1000 Units HECTO 100 Units 2 DEKA 10 Units 1 DECI 0.1 Unit Meters Liters Grams CENTI 0.01 Unit MILLI Unit How do you use the “ladder” method? 1st – Determine your starting point. 2nd – Count the “jumps” to your ending point. 3rd – Move the decimal the same number of jumps in the same direction. .54 cm = _________ Dm Starting Point Ending Point How many jumps does it take? 4. 3 __. 2 __. 1 __. = Dm

16 Ladder Method How many hecta grams (Hg) are in 10 grams? 10.0 grams
How many grams are in 28 milligrams (mg)? 28.0 mg .0280 g How many centimeters are in 9.23 meters 9.23 m 923.0 cm We can use the ladder method to convert in between units. Let’s try an example.

17 1 .56 7000.0 16.0 1000.0 1600 .00024 .016 14000 20000o .109 6. 600.00 7.0 7000.0 .250

18 Turn and talk Why is it important for all scientists to use a standard system of measures rather than the system that may be most popular in their home country or region?

19 Conversions Part of science is converting numbers from one set of units into another set of units.

20 Conversions

21 Conversions Example #1 Convert 7 gallons into quarts (1 gallon = 4 quarts) 7 gallons x 4 quarts = Which is faster, 27 miles/hour or 13.2 meters/second? (40 inches = 1 meter and 5280 feet = 1 mile) 27 miles X 5280 feet X 12 inches X 1 meter = 42,768 m/hour 42,768 meters X 1 hour X 1 minute = meters/sec 28 quarts 1 gallons hour 1 mile 1 foot 40 inches hour 60 minutes 60 seconds

22 Conversions #2 Convert 66 ft/sec into miles/hour (5280 feet = 1 mile)
66ft/sec X 1 mile/5280 ft X 1 min/60 sec X 1 hour/60 min = miles/hour

23 Conversions HW Directions: Complete the conversions worksheet. This is homework and is due tomorrow in the basket. Noise: 1 (with partner) Time: Until 8:36/10:50

24 Exit Ticket #3 Conversions
Name: _____________ Date: 1/20 Period: _____ Answer the following questions. (worth 1 pt. each) 1. What is the abbreviation for Kilogram: __________ 2. 77 kg = __________g m = _________Hm cm = _______ mm

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