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How is Music Related to Math?

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Presentation on theme: "How is Music Related to Math?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How is Music Related to Math?
Erin Dung, Alia Becker, Eren Isvan

2 How is Frequency related to music?
POTD #985,343,578,494

3 Pitch: determines how high or low a sound is
Pitch: determines how high or low a sound is. It is represented in music with notes.

4 Frequency: the number of periods or regularly occurring events of any given kind in unit of time, usually in one second.

5 Music Terminology Consonance is when two or more notes sound good together. Dissonance is when they sound bad together. A scale has eight notes (12 half steps). The interval between the first and eighth note of a scale is called an octave.

6 Frequencies Shown below, are two similar wave frequencies, the top one having a frequency of 10 Hz and the bottom one having a frequency of 11 Hz. Destructive Interference: When the frequencies and graphs don't line up → creates unpleasant noise Constructive Interference: When the frequencies and graphs line up → creates pleasant noise When two sounds create destructive interference, the volume is soft and when it creates constructive interference, the volume is loud. This is why when you hear two people playing the same note and trying to match pitch, if they are close to being in tune together, this means there is more constructive interference than destructive and the sound they produce will have slow waves that stay loud. With two people who are not close to being in tune together, there is more destructive interference than constructive and the sound they produce will have fast waves that stay soft. Consonance Dissonance

7 Consonance and Dissonance
C , D flat 261.6Hz, Hz Ratio of 261:277 C, E 261.6 Hz., Hz Ratio of 4:5

8 Octave A above Middle C = 440Hz A above that = 880Hz


10 Graph of Cords Chord: set of three or more notes played together, consisting of the root, third, and fifth. Combined Graph

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