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People of the Fertile Crescent

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1 People of the Fertile Crescent

2 Sargon King of the city-state Kish Rose to power around 2300 BC
Became the king that unified Sumer Used cuneiform to send instructions and govern over great distances

3 Gilgamesh There was an epic poem written about his life
He went on adventures with his friend Enkidu He was part God and part man

4 Hammurabi He dammed the Euphrates to take over Sumer
He was king of Babylon Under his rule the Babylonian Empire became rich and powerful He wrote a code of law (a written set of laws) that applied to everyone under his government

5 The Queen of Babylon From Persia
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built for her

6 Abraham God told him to travel from Ur to Canaan with his wife
Was given a covenant (special agreement) by God: God would increase Abraham’s land and people in return for accepting him as their God Was the founder of Judaism

7 Moses Born to Israelite parents but adopted by Egyptian pharaoh's daughter and raised in the royal household Left Egypt after murdering an Egyptian for beating an Israelite Lead the Hebrews on their exodus from Egypt Lead the Israelites to freedom from slavery Was given the 10 Commandments by God

8 King David Israel became a powerful kingdom under his leadership
He made Jerusalem his capital around 1000 BC

9 Solomon Son of King David Built a great temple in Jerusalem

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