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When is Enough, Enough: How to Tell Whether Your VHOs Have Implemented VRPM Steve McCurly.

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Presentation on theme: "When is Enough, Enough: How to Tell Whether Your VHOs Have Implemented VRPM Steve McCurly."— Presentation transcript:

1 When is Enough, Enough: How to Tell Whether Your VHOs Have Implemented VRPM
Steve McCurly

2 Volunteer Risk & Program Management (VRPM) August 2018
Welcome to today’s presentation, which is all about Volunteer Risk & Program Management or VRPM.

3 Welcome! SMPs Senior Medicare Patrols SHIPs
State Health Insurance Assistance Programs

4 Today’s speaker Steve McCurley Consultant
SMP Resource Center and SHIP Technical Assistance Center Our speaker today is Steve McCurley, who is a consultant for the SMP and SHIP Centers. For any of you who don’t know Steve, he is a volunteer management expert who has been presenting to the SMP network for about 7 years now, and to the SHIP network for about 3 years. Steve has presented to SMPs and SHIPs on topics related to VRPM on numerous webinars and also in sessions at the joint SHIP/SMP training meetings over the last few years.

5 Understanding the scope of volunteer policies
11/29/2018 Agenda Understanding the scope of volunteer policies Case Study Resources & Questions Steve

6 Introduction VRPM Policy 1.2 Scope of the volunteer policies Policy: Unless specifically stated, these volunteer policies apply to all volunteers in all programs and projects undertaken by or on behalf of the SMP/SHIP, including volunteer involvement that is organized and managed in SMP/SHIP volunteer host organizations (VHOs). The pivotal variable in the application of these volunteer policies is volunteers’ performance of SMP/SHIP work. Where volunteers are clearly performing what could reasonably be called “SMP/SHIP work” under the direction and control of the SMP/SHIP, those volunteers and their coordination are subject to the provisions of these volunteer policies. Steve

7 Rationale: The policies apply throughout the SMP/SHIP system to all entities that control or manage volunteers performing SMP/SHIP work. These volunteers who are also agents of the SMP/SHIP while working day-to-day with other partners (volunteer host organizations – VHOs), are still the responsibility of the SMP/SHIP. Noncompliance creates potential risk to volunteers themselves and/or beneficiaries and potential liability for the SMP and/or the VHO.

8 Bottom line: You have to manage how your VHO’s deal with volunteers, because:
It’s the only way VRPM works It’s the right thing to do

9 When is Enough, Enough? How do you determine when a VHO has made enough of an effort for you to decide that they are implementing the VRPM? Steve

10 1. Examine the agency structure for managing volunteers
Staffing Budget History Experience with SMP/SHIP

11 Options: Have no existing system in place
ONE Have no existing system in place TWO Have an existing system in place to cover SMP/SHIP volunteers THREE Have an existing system in place that covers multiple volunteer programs 1. Is easiest can be complicated. 3. is always complicated.

12 2. Examine the VRPM policies adopted by the agency
Coverage: percentage, spread Is adoption “pro forma” or real? Is this “pro forma” or real?

13 3. Examine where variations occur
MORE stringent “Other” stringent LESS stringent than VRPM Less: probably a problem Other: could be a problem More: rationale, how it affects volunteer satisfaction and retention – background checks, training, social media use

14 4. Examine where policies were not adopted
Are the omitted policies “required” or “recommended”? What’s the rationale for the omission? Is there a plan to implement them at some point? State program could decide that “Recommended” policies are important enough to merit implementation.

15 5. Examine the overall intent of the agency
Are they trying to make this work? What kind of capacity do they have? Do they have reasons for what they are doing, even though those reasons are not the ones you think should apply? ”Attitude”

16 Other factors: Look beyond the paper documents to see what is really happening. Don’t believe everything you’re told. Don’t get hung up on wording. Agencies will have their own ways of wording or describing things and unless it negatively affects what the policy is intended to do then cut them some slack. Allow exceptions that make sense to you; different circumstances may mandate different requirements. Don’t rush to make exceptions; it’s easier to relax requirements than to add to them later.

17 Case study Divide into small groups: 3-4 alert, intelligent faces.
Introduce yourself; you might want to move there some day and they could have a job for you.

18 Suppose: One of your VHO’s recently had an issue with computer security, unrelated to SMP/SHIP. As a result of this, they have a hastily-enacted agency policy that no staff (either paid or volunteer) can use a personal computer or cellphone to store any client information or to communicate about any agency business. They really like the policies on technology in the VRPM but want to “strengthen” them to prevent SMP/SHIP volunteers from any utilization of computers.

19 Discuss: What factors/elements/issues are important when thinking about this request? What further information would you like to have? What would you decide about their request?

20 The real point of VRPM Volunteer Satisfaction Volunteer Retention
Volunteer Performance

21 Final comment: ACL is basically going through the same analysis with state programs you will with local programs. They have no more interest in micro-managing you than you have in micro-managing local VHOs. But if the VRPM is going to work then it requires an actual effort to make it happen. Complaining that “it’s too much work,” or “we didn’t use to do it this way” doesn’t constitute actual effort.

22 VRPM resources: SMPs SHIPs
Step 1: Login to the SMP Resource Library at resourcelibrary. Step 2: Conduct a search Tip: Search for keyword “VRPM”. SHIPs Step 1: Login at login. Step 2: Conduct a search. Archived recordings of previous VRPM webinars and resources are available in the SMP and SHIP resource libraries. If you search using keyword “VRPM,” you’ll find many VRPM resources.

23 Thank you for participating in today’s presentation!
Q & A session Thank you for participating in today’s presentation! If you have questions later, Steve McCurley, SMPs, SHIPs, Thank you for participating in today’s presentation. The production of this webinar was supported by grant numbers 90SATC0001 and 90MPRC0001 from the Administration for Community Living (ACL).

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