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Persian Empire.

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1 Persian Empire

2 Identify who was the King of the Chaldeans who rebuilt Babylon?
Hanging Gardens

3 Nebuchadnezzar II Identify who was the King of the Chaldeans
who rebuilt Babylon? Hanging Gardens Nebuchadnezzar II

4 Who was the first ruler to unify the Persian Empire?

5 Cyrus the Great Cyrus Tomb

6 Explain why Cyrus was called Cyrus the Great?

7 Explain why Cyrus was called Cyrus the Great?
When he conquered new kingdoms he respected the culture and beliefs of the people. He showed wisdom and compassion.

8 Zoroaster Describe the teachings of Zoroaster? List several.

9 Zoroaster Describe the teachings of Zoroaster? List several.
Ahuramazda was the supreme god Humans have free choice (to be good or bad) Ahriman was the evil spirit

10 Identify the most famous religious leader of the Persian Empire
Identify the most famous religious leader of the Persian Empire. What was the name of the religion he taught?

11 Identify the most famous religious leader of the Persian Empire
Identify the most famous religious leader of the Persian Empire. What was the name of the religion he taught? Zoroaster Zoroastrianism

12 Why was the Persian Empire eventually weakened?

13 Why was the Persian Empire eventually weakened?
Struggles to control the throne Kings more isolated (stayed in their castles) Taxed people till their loyalty declined

14 Assyrians The Assyrian Empire was divided between what two groups?

15 Assyrians The Assyrian Empire was divided between what two groups?
Chaldeans and Medes

16 Define Satrapies

17 Satrapies Persian empire was divided into 20 provinces by Darius. These “districts” were called Satrapies.

18 Define the position and responsibilities of a Satrap.
A satrap receiving a visitor. Monument of the Nereids, Xanthus (British Museum

19 Define the position and responsibilities of a Satrap
Governor of Persian province collected taxes, provided justice and recruited soldiers

20 Who was the king who extended the Persian Empire into India?

21 Who was the king who extended the Persian Empire into India?
Darius Darius I of Persia, the Great

22 Describe the Royal Road and explain its importance

23 Describe the Royal Road and explain its importance
Persian route from Susa to Lydia. Road made travel easier for officials. Stations provided fresh horses, food and shelter.

24 Infer why the Persian Army was called the Immortals
A Persian Immortal wielding a spear, wicker shield, dagger, and bow A 300 movie poster depicting the heavily fictionalized Persian Uber-Immortal.

25 Infer why the Persian Army was called the Immortals
Professional cavalry and infantry forces that numbered at least 10,000 soldiers. Called Immortals because when one was killed another instantly took their place making it appear that they were incapable of being killed A Persian Immortal wielding a spear, wicker shield, dagger, and bow A 300 movie poster depicting the heavily fictionalized Persian Uber-Immortal.

26 Review Questions Identify who was the King of the Chaldeans
who rebuilt Babylon? Explain why was Cyrus called Cyrus the Great? Why was the Persian Empire eventually weakened? Describe the teachings of Zoroaster? List several. Who was the first ruler to unify the Persian Empire? The Assyrian Empire was divided between what two groups? Define Satrapies. Describe the Royal Road and explain its importance. Define the position and responsibilities of a Satrap. Identify the most famous religious leader of the Persian Empire. What was the name of the religion he taught? Infer why the Persian Army was called the Immortals. Who was the king who extended the Persian Empire into India?

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