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Integrated Legal Monitoring System (iLMS)

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Legal Monitoring System (iLMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Legal Monitoring System (iLMS)

2 AGENDA 01 02 03 04 05 06 Problem Faced by SME
Objective of the Initiative 03 Progress So Far 04 User Registration Process 05 Implementation Methodology Proposed Process Flow 06

3 Problem Faced by SME Getting the information regarding filing of new cases in HC/SET/OAT It takes a long time for the copy of the petition to reach the Department/Directorate. No timelines are fixed to file Para Wise Comments (PWCs). There are no timelines to file counter affidavit by the Govt. Advocate/ Standing counsel.

4 Problem Faced by SME Order passed by the court is not sent immediately to the Department/Directorate to comply. Lot of delay is caused in processing the files in the Department and in processing the same with Law or Finance Department for order compliance. Contempt cases are filed by the litigants against the Secretary & Director for non-implementation of order.

5 Objective of the Initiative
To keep track of all cases filed against/ by the Govt. in S&ME Department & Directorate. To bring in accountability in processing of cases at all levels. To bring in transparency in disposal of cases so as to generate confidence among stakeholders. To avoid Contempt cases by taking decision with in time line fixed by courts in their orders. To improve coordination with other related Dept. (Law & Finance) & AG office as well. To be Proactive instead of Reactive in disposal of cases against the Department

6 Progress So Far A database has been created by taking case information from various system like CMGI, NIC & from the Dir./ DEO The application is also integrated with CMGI system from which the basic information case is coming to iLMS Facility to get User ID & Password of iLMS for different level of users has been given Directorate / DEO now can update the case status (Pending/Dismissed/Disposed) in iLMS to further cleansing the said database

7 Dashboard

8 Case Summary

9 Dashboard for a DEO

10 User Registration Process
Open the internet browser (Google Chrome) & type in the internet browser Then Click on the link Register

11 User Registration Process
Enter your mobile number which was provided by you to department for Registration then click on the Submit button. Entered the OTP which you will receive by SMS in your registered mobile number

12 User Registration Process
Here in this screen you have to enter your office id which will be your “login id”, create a new Password & confirm the new Password. The new Password should be combination of at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one numeral and one special character (Such with minimum eight characters and maximum fifteen characters [e.g. iLMS#2017].

13 User Registration Process
If someone has forgotten the Password, then click on the "Forgot Password" link. Then follow the One Time Password (OTP) process to get the new Password. For any assistance, you may contact Sanjog Helpline Toll Free Number OR on all Government working days from 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM.

14 Data & User Registration Status

15 List of BEOs not registered so far

16 Case Status Update

17 MIS Report developed so far

18 Digitization of Control Sheet
Implementation Methodology Running Cases Data Entry at Dak Stage Control Sheet New Cases Digitization of Control Sheet Control sheet is to be filled-in and attached to every file which deals with a case, whatever be the stage before it is put up to the Secretary / Director. If the case is at Order Compliance Stage or Contempt Stage, then the Counter Affidavit stages need not to be filled in. Petition/orders received in the Dak would be entered in the control sheet by ALO/LO after it is seen by the Secretary. Then the control sheet would be digitized in the LIMS App after which those would be attached to respective petition/ order & sent for Diary for distribution to respective section. The control sheet is prepared after taking the inputs form the officials of the Department & Directorates in different meetings The new cases is tracked from the source i.e. AG Office / OAT / SET Branch through the CMGI System All files dealing with cases would have one control sheet. Each control sheet, after being filled in would be digitized in the iLMS App. One has to ensure that a case file is put up after case data entry in the iLMS App.

19 Proposed Process Flow (New Cases)
Petitioner files cases in HC / SET / OAT against SME Case Info mapped by DEO at HC / SET / OAT in the Portal Notice Info entered by DEO at HC / SET / OAT in the Portal Interim Order details entered by DEO at HC / SET / OAT in the Portal Court gives the Final Order Alert in the Portal on Case Hearing & Officials attend for the same Hearing Date Info entered by DEO at HC / SET / OAT in the Portal SME official will access the case details & timeline for Counter Affidavit Appeal / Reviser is filled by petitioner against opposite parties If the order is satisfactory to both the parties & complied on time END NO YES


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