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Mr. Djukic’s 11th grade U.S. History Classroom Management Plan

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1 Mr. Djukic’s 11th grade U.S. History Classroom Management Plan
By Deni Djukic

2 Rules People are different in so many ways and forms, so please respect each other. Always be on-time when walking to class and when turning in an assignment. Be quiet when the teacher is lecturing. Please be prepared when coming to class.

3 Rewards for Positive Behavior (Individual)
Individual Rewards If a student follows the rules and does positive behavior each day in class, they will earn a point. If a student earns 15 points, then they will get five extra credit points on a quiz or test. The more points that a student earns, the more likely a student can win some awards at a “Mr. Djukic’s U.S. History End of the Semester” Award Ceremony.

4 Rewards for Positive Behavior (Group)
Group Rewards In each class session, a class can earn 1-5 points depending on how they behave. If a class earns 100 points, they get the choice of either working with a partner on a quiz or assignment, or the teacher will allow the class to use their notes when they are taking a test. If a class earns 400 points, they earn the right to a class party somewhere near at the end of a semester known as “Mr. Djukic’s U.S. History End of the Semester” Award Ceremony which is this class’s version of the Oscars but with snacks.

5 The Consequences for Negative Behavior (Individual)
Committing an offense for the 1st time: Warning Committing an offense for the 2nd time: Phone Call/ to the parents, write a referral, and the student has to write an short letter about what they did wrong and what they do better next time. Committing an offense for the 3rd time: Phone Call/ to the parents and the student will do after school detention for a day. Committing an offense for the 4th time: Parent-Teacher conference with student, lunch and after school detention for a week.

6 Consequences for Negative Behavior (Individual)
Committing an offense for the 5th time: Parent-Teacher conference with student and administrator, lunch and after school detention for the month.

7 Consequences for Negative Behavior (Whole Group)
Committing an offense for the 1st time: The whole class stays in the room after the bell rings for a minute. Committing an offense for the 2nd time: The whole class stays in the room after the bell rings for 2 minutes. Committing an offense for the 3rd time: From this point on, the whole class has to write a 100 word “Behavior Essay” where students have to explain what they did wrong every time they misbehaved, and the parents have to sign it.

8 Documentation The negative numbers has to do with the rule(s) violated. For Example: -1 has to do with rule #1: respecting others. Below the negative numbers are the negative consequences. PC= Phone Call to Parents RE= Referral DE= Detention (the D, W, M, S stands for the term sentence for day, week, etc.) CO= Parent-Teacher Conference CO+= Parent-Teacher Conference with administrator * = Good Behavior

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