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Richard Griggs Psychology: A Concise Introduction, 3rd Edition

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1 Richard Griggs Psychology: A Concise Introduction, 3rd Edition
Outline PowerPoints Chapter 4: Learning © 2012 Worth Publishers

2 Chapter 4: Learning I. Learning Through Classical Conditioning
A. The Elements and Procedures of Classical Conditioning 1. Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) and Unconditioned Response (UCR) 2. Conditioned Stimulus (CS) and Conditioned Response (CR) 3. Delayed and Trace Conditioning 4. The Little Albert Study B. General Learning Processes in Classical Conditioning 1. Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery 2. Stimulus Generalization and Discrimination

3 Chapter 4: Learning II. Learning Through Operant Conditioning
A. Learning Through Reinforcement and Punishment 1. Positive and Negative Reinforcement and Punishment 2. Primary and Secondary Reinforcers Reinforcement Without Awareness B. General Learning Processes in Operant Conditioning 1. Acquisition, Extinction, and Spontaneous Recovery 2. Discrimination and Generalization

4 Chapter 4: Learning Learning Through Operant Conditioning, cont.
C. Partial-Reinforcement Schedules in Operant Conditioning 1. Ratio Schedules 2. Interval Schedules D. Motivation, Behavior, and Reinforcement 1. Theories of Motivation 2. Extrinsic Motivation Versus Intrinsic Motivation

5 Chapter 4: Learning III. Biological and Cognitive Aspects of Learning
A. Biological Preparedness in Learning 1. Taste Aversion 2. Instinctual Drift B. Latent Learning and Observational Learning 1. Latent Learning 2. Observational Learning

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