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Latest Cardiovascular Outcomes Trials: A Closer Look at the LEADER Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Latest Cardiovascular Outcomes Trials: A Closer Look at the LEADER Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latest Cardiovascular Outcomes Trials: A Closer Look at the LEADER Results


3 Program Goals

4 T2DM and Patients at CV Risk

5 A Personalized Approach to Glycemic Targets in the Context of CV Risk

6 CV Risk and Established Oral Antihyperglycemics

7 Effect of Metformin on CV Risk Factors: the GIPS-III Trial

8 AEs Associated With TZDs in T2DM

9 December 2008 FDA Guidance on Evaluating CV Risk in New Antidiabetic Therapies for T2DM

10 SAVOR-TIMI 53 (Saxagliptin): Hospitalization for HF

11 EXAMINE (Alogliptin): Hospitalization for HF[a,b]

12 TECOS (Sitagliptin): Hospitalization for HF

13 EMPA-REG OUTCOME: Trial Design

14 EMPA-REG: Primary Outcome (3-Point MACE) CV Death, Nonfatal MI, or Nonfatal Stroke

15 EMPA-REG: Results for CV Death

16 EMPA-REG: Hospitalization for HF

17 ELIXA (Lixisenatide): Primary Outcome CV Death, Nonfatal MI, Nonfatal Stroke, or Hospitalization for UA

18 LEADER (Liraglutide): Study Design

19 LEADER: Primary Outcome*

20 LEADER: CV Death

21 LEADER: Time to Nonfatal MI and Nonfatal Stroke

22 LEADER: Hospitalization for HF

23 LEADER: Microvascular Outcomes

24 What Explains the Macro- and Microvascular Improvements Observed in LEADER?

25 LEADER: Overall Summary of AEs

26 LEADER: AEs Leading to Permanent Treatment Discontinuation

27 LEADER: Risk for Hypoglycemia

28 Intensive Glycemic Control Increased All-Cause Mortality (ACCORD)[a]

29 Association of T2DM With 6 Common CVDs/Events

30 Conclusions

31 Abbreviations

32 Abbreviations (cont)

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