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Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
The 3rd CA meeting of the Competent Authorities for implementation of Regulation (EC) Nr 850/2004 on Persistent Organic Pollutants Brussels 26 January Enabling Activities to Facilitate Early Action in the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in Romania Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO 31 May – 02 June 2005
Stockholm Convention Background and Status
Legally binding global agreement under UNEP; Objective : To protect human health and the environment from POPs; Romania was ratified CLRTAP the Protocol on POP by the Law no 271 of June 2003; Romania was ratified Stockholm Convention by the Law no 261 of June 2004 and becoming a Party of the Convention on 28 October 2004; NIP in Romania was elaborated and has been send to the Stockholm Convention Secretariat on 12 April 2006; The National Implementation Plan has been published on the Stockholm Convention site ( Now Romania started the implementation phase; Romania was participated at the Conference of the Parties -First meeting in Punta del Este-Uruguay, 2-6 May 2005; Romania was participated at the Conference of the Parties -Second meeting, Geneva, 1-5 May 2006. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Stockholm Convention Key obligations
Intentionally Produced POPs (Art. 3); Unintentionally Produced POPs (Art. 5); Stockpiles and Wastes (Art. 6); Remaining Obligations (Art. 9-13, 15); Collective Implementation Issues(Art.8 & 16). Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Article 7 – National Implementation Plans (NIPs)
Parties shall: develop and endeavour to implement a plan for implementation the obligation under SC; submit the plan to COP within 2 years of entry into force of Convention for the Party; review and update the plan on a periodic basis, in a manner to be specified by COP; cooperate with other Parties directly, or through inter-governmental organizations, consult stakeholders in all these actions; endeavour to utilize and integrate these plans in national sustainable development strategies. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
NIP in ROMANIA(1) The UNIDO and GEF have awarded the project “Enabling Activities to Facilitate Early Action on the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPs in Romania” to the ICIM - Bucharest. The contract was signed in July 2002. NIP established and prioritized national objectives regarding POPs problems: technical, economic, institutional, informative measures and the actions for the accomplishment of the obligations foreseen in Stockholm Convention. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
NIP in ROMANIA(2) Four main kinds of objectives are distinguished: A. objectives to reduce, or eliminate releases from existing stockpiles and wastes; B. objectives to eliminate production of POPs (Annex A of the Stockholm Convention; C. objectives to restrict the use of DDT (Annex B of the Stockholm Convention) and other POPs; D. objectives to reduce unintentional releases of Dioxins, HCB and PCBs from the social and economic activities. There are two ways in which these measures and actions are directed: 1) discouraging the production, use or unintentional emission of POPs; 2) encouraging the production and use of environmentally friendly economic activities. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
NIP in Romania(3) During the development of NIP had been analyzed release sources from Romania, localized in 5 main economical sectors: agriculture industry transport energy "other sources" The proposed measures from NIP were established by the representatives of: central authorities stockholders research institutes NGOs The NIP will be reviewed and updated in future years to reflect the evolution of the Stockholm Convention and progress and results of Romanian policy. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Main issues identified by Romania’s NIP
Eliminate pesticides stockpiles and wastes (this includes the HCH process waste deposits at Turda); Eliminate existing stocks of PCBs; Eliminate un-identified POPs (presumed to be POPs); Prohibit production of POPs and other substances that might be included in POPs list in the future; Strive for sustainable development of ecological agriculture; Enhance the production and use of “cleaner” and more economical substances to be used for fighting against disease vectors and/or arthropods causing discomfort; Improve the environmental performance in the energy sector; Improve the environmental performance in the transport sector; Improve transport management in the urban sector; Improve the environmental performance in the industry sector; and Reduce POPs emission nuisance from waste incinerators. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Assessment of the POPs issue(1)
Assessment with respect to Annex A, part I chemicals (POPs pesticides): In Romania chlorinated pesticides were used starting with Products based on chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, aldrin, heptachlor and toxafene were used. All these products were imported, except those based on DDT and heptachlor which were produced at the integrated petrochemical plant in Borzesti; Assessment with respect to Annex A, part II chemicals (PCBs): PCBs – industrial POPS coming mainly from transformers, batteries and other electrical equipment; NIP presents the inventory of PCBs; Assessment with respect to Annex B chemicals (DDT): In Romania chlorinated pesticides were used starting with 1948, was produced at the integrated petrochemical plant in Borzesti. After 1988 chlorinated pesticides have not been consented in Romania; . Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Assessment of the POPs issue(2)
Assessment of releases from unintentional production of Annex chemicals (PCDD/PCDF, HCB and PCBs): especially from industry releases to air: - industrial combustion processes; metal processing operations, e.g. sintering plants, smelters, etc. releases into water: wastewater discharge from pulp and paper production using elemental chlorine; chemical production processes, etc; wastewater discharge from normal household operations (washing machines, dishwashers, etc.) releases into the soil: POPs contaminating products “applied” directly to the soil, or POPs deposited via environmental processes; Legal regulation for restriction of activities that have the potential for unintentionally high formation and release of POPs are being elaborated. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Assessment of the POPs issue(3)
Information on the state of knowledge on stockpiles, contaminated sites and wastes: Agriculture is the main economical sector where chlorinated pesticides had been used; The existing POPs pesticides stocks have been identified (including wastes) and inventoried annually (the years 1989 – the reference year). Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Competent authorities
In Romania, the administrative structure at central level in the field of environmental protection is the Ministry of Environment and Waters Management (MEWM) which has under subordination: National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), 8 Regional Environmental Protection Agencies (REPAs); 42 Local Environmental Protection Agencies (LEPAs). The enforcement of the legislation is accomplished by National Environmental Guard (NEG) through its 42 territorial units; National Research – Development Institute for Environment Protection (ICIM) it is in coordination of the MEWM; Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Current state in Romania
Production, import and use of aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, HCB, heptachlor, endrin, mirex and toxaphene are not permitted in Romania; Production and import of PCBs are also not permitted in Romania; Phase-out of existing PCBs in according with National Plan for phase-out of PCBs and the provisions of the Directive no 96/59/EC transposed by GD no 173/2000 as amended by GD no 291/2005. Romania has taken the measures to reduce or eliminate releases of by- products: dioxins and furans in order to prevent and reduce the negative effects into environment according to the provisions of the Directive 2000/76/EC transposed by GD no 128/2002. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Priority implementation measures(1)
The endowment of specific laboratories, at the national and regional level, to monitor the quality of the environment factors: air, water (especially for biological and hazardous substances monitoring), soil, radioactivity, noise, vibrations; Phased ceasing of existent installations for thermal treatment of hazardous waste from industry and medical activities (there are 6 incineration plants for industrial wastes POPs emission distributed over the territory of Romania and 7 cement kilns who received integrate permits); Now, 113 thermal treatment plants out of 114 thermal treatment plants of medical waste, has been ceased because are not complying with the provision of Directive /76/EC. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Priority implementation measures(2)
Waste Management: Out of the 51 inventoried industrial hazardous waste landfills: 4 landfills are complying with the requirements of Directive 1999/31/EC from the point of view of construction requirements; 47 landfills are not complying with the provisions of Directive 1999/31/EC and will cease the landfilling by Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Relevant activities of non-governmental stakeholders
Environmental Experts Association (EEA) implemented the project “POPs in the environment - characterization, identification, information and public awareness” funded by EU under RO 0008 – Phare ACCESS Micro – Projects Facility; Establishment of a non-governmental information network on POPs leaded by EEA. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Monitoring measures Monitoring of releases in environment is done thorough specialized institution such as: NEPA, REPAs, LEPAs laboratories; ICIM laboratories. Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
Estimated costs for the implementation
Estimated costs for the implementation NIP implementation - 25 years period of time divided in three sub-periods: short term:2004 – 2007; medium term: 2008 – 2014; long term: 2015 – 2029; Total costs of NIP implementation: 210 million EURO - for the period ; 52,6 million EURO - period ; Resources cover by: state budget; stakeholders involved; other external donor support (Cohesion Founds and/or European Regional Development Found) Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO 31 May – 02 June 2005
Elena Popovici Senior Councilor MEWM - RO
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