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Relative motion All objects in the universe move with respect to something. We say that motion is relative because there is no point in the universe that.

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Presentation on theme: "Relative motion All objects in the universe move with respect to something. We say that motion is relative because there is no point in the universe that."— Presentation transcript:


2 Relative motion All objects in the universe move with respect to something. We say that motion is relative because there is no point in the universe that is standing still.

3 What is speed? A quantity divided by time is called a rate. Ex. speed, acceleration, velocity Speed is any distance divided by time. There are many ways to express speed: miles/hr, meters/sec, etc.

4 Average and instantaneous speed
Speed can be either instantaneous or average. Instantaneous speed is the speed of an object at a particular instant. Average speed is the total distance divided by the total time.

5 What is velocity? Velocity is an object’s speed in a given direction.
A car rounding a curve with the speed control on has a constant speed but changing velocity.

6 What is acceleration? Acceleration is the rate at which speed is changing or velocity divided by time, a=v/t. Acceleration can be positive, speeding up or negative, slowing down (decelerating).

7 Acceleration due to gravity
Gravity causes all objects to accelerate towards the earth. The longer they fall, the more speed they acquire. A brick that breaks loose from the top of a building falls farther the last second than the first.

8 Atmospheric friction We live on a planet with a thick atmosphere. This causes objects falling through it to slow down. Without air objects will experience constant acceleration. (Ex. On the moon)

9 What is “g” ? Objects falling near the Earth experience an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 (32 ft/s2) This is called “g” and is often rounded to 10 m/s2

10 Useful Formulas d = v x t t = d / v v= a x t d = ½ at2
V=d / t d = v x t t = d / v v= a x t d = ½ at2 V avg = v f+ v0 / 2 V=velocity, a=acceleration, t=time, d=distance

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