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Why Use Them? By: Marcy Bolek – Alloway

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1 Why Use Them? By: Marcy Bolek – Alloway
Control Charts Why Use Them? By: Marcy Bolek – Alloway

2 Really, Control Charts? BORING!!!!!

3 Not for me, right?

4 Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

5 40 CFR 136.7 Title 40
Part – Quality Assurance and Quality Control C(1) – “Incorporate the following twelve quality control elements, where applicable, into the laboratory's documented standard operating procedure (SOP) for performing compliance analyses when using an approved part 136 method when the method lacks such QA/QC procedures.” “ One or more of the twelve QC elements may not apply to a given method and may be omitted if a written rationale is provided indicating why the element(s) is/are inappropriate for a specific method.” C(1)(viii) – Control Charts or other trend analysis

6 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater
Method 1020 A Applies mostly to chemical analysis Method 9020 applies to microbiology Quality Control Method 1020 B Section 13 – Control Charts

7 Accuracy & Precision

8 Alloway Precision … the degree to which several measurements agree with each other (reproducibility) … How often can an analyst analyze the same sample and obtain the same result or close to the same result

9 Precision & Range Control Charts
Perform identical analysis on two portions of the same sample (duplicate) Perform identical analysis on two portions of the same sample that are spiked (matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate) 20 or more data points used to generate chart

10 Evaluation of Precision
Alloway Evaluation of Precision Calculate the range (R): R = │Value 1 – Value 2│ _ Calculate the Average Range (R): R = (ΣR) / n

11 Evaluation of Precision
Alloway Evaluation of Precision Range Charts are used to evaluate precision Range Charts typically plot Upper Warning Level (UWL) Upper Control Limit (UCL) Average Range of data set (mean) Confidence Limits 95% Confidence Limit 99% Confidence Limit

12 Precision & Range Control Charts
Calculate range of duplicate determinations in data set Calculate average range Calculate UWL Calculate UCL

13 Precision & Range Control Charts
UCL Difference UWL Mean range Sample Number

14 Alloway Range Chart

15 Precision & Range Control Charts
Result 1 Result 2 10.6 11.2 14.7 13.9 10.1 11.0 15.4 17.9 18.3 15.1 21.9 18.7 19.9 18.8 12.5 11.7 14.8 14.6 19.4 23.3 24.4 Range 0.6 0.8 0.9 2.5 3.2 1.1 0.2 0.7 Calculate the range of each duplicate set Calculate the average range (mean) mean = 1.37

16 Precision & Range Control Charts
Calculate the upper control limit Calculate the upper warning limit

17 Precision & Range Control Charts
UCL – 4.48 Difference UWL – 3.44 Mean range Sample Number

18 Evaluation of Precision
Alloway Evaluation of Precision If there is a wide variety in amounts of analyte, classify precision data into levels For example: Low – 1 to 10 mg/L High – 10 – 100 mg/L Develop a separate chart for each level

19 Precision Relative Percent Difference (RPD) RPD = Difference * 100
Alloway Precision Relative Percent Difference (RPD) RPD = Difference * 100 Average Precision of High Level Duplicate Precision of Low Level Duplicate Possible discussion of Maximum Advantage QA Software (before Chapter 6): 1. Discussion of System Security 2. Create an analyte header and enter users 3. Create a new analyte with 5 or 6 QC activities 4. Enter data 5. Review Data 6. Evaluate reagent reports a. Analyte history b. Exception log 7. Create statistical limits Also there is a wastewater handout

20 Alloway Accuracy … the degree to which the measurement approaches the “true value”…

21 Evaluation of Accuracy
Alloway Evaluation of Accuracy Analyze sample containing known concentration of analyte QC sample run at method specified frequency 20 data points used to make chart

22 Accuracy & Means Control Charts
Analyze sample containing known concentration of analyte Can be QC standard Initial Calibration Verification Continuing Calibration Verification Laboratory Control Standard Laboratory Fortified Blank Matrix spike results are charted using means control chart 20 data points used to make chart

23 Accuracy & Means Control Charts
Confidence Limits Range within which we can state the probability that the true value lies within this range 68% confidence limit: mean ± 1 SD 95% confidence limit: mean ± 2 SD 99% confidence limit: mean ± 3 SD

24 Accuracy & Means Control Charts
Normal Distribution

25 Accuracy Percent Recovery

26 Accuracy & Means Control Charts
Calculate the mean Average of the data set Calculate the standard deviation Use sample standard deviation

27 Accuracy

28 Alloway Means Chart

29 Accuracy & Means Control Charts
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the LCS results for phosphorus and prepare a means control chart. Mean = 99.76 SD = 5.102 LCS %R 98.5 103.4 105.6 92.5 93.2 91.8 101.5 108.9 100.8 105.2 97.9 100.7 96.8 99.8

30 Accuracy & Means Control Charts
Calculate the UWL UWL = mean + (2 x SD) = (2 x 5.102) = = Calculate the LWL LWL = mean – (2 x SD) = – (2 x 5.102) = – (10.204) = 89.56

31 Accuracy & Means Control Charts
Calculate the UCL UCL = mean + (3 x SD) = (3 x 5.102) = = Calculate the LCL LCL = mean – (3 x SD) = – (3 x 5.102) = – (15.306) = 84.45

32 Accuracy & Means Control Charts
UCL UWL Mean 99.76 LWL 89.56 LCL 84.45

33 Control Charts Importance of Control Chart
Alloway Control Charts Importance of Control Chart point out problems as they occur Detect trends which can lead to out-of-control conditions documentation that analysis was in control at a specified time Indication of improving performance when limits are narrowed

34 Control Charts Trends 5 to 7 consecutive points with an increasing or decreasing slope Requires corrective action Corrective action must be documented

35 Trend

36 Trend

37 Control Charts Shifts 5 to 7 consecutive points above or below the mean Requires corrective action Corrective action must be documented

38 Alloway Shift

39 Shift

40 Spiked Samples Means chart generated similar to accuracy QC
Alloway Spiked Samples obtained value – sample value % Recovery = X 100 spiked amount Means chart generated similar to accuracy QC % Recovery example: Obtained value=1.2, Sample value=0.4, spiked amount=1.0 SO, the %recovery=80%

41 Spiked Samples Problems encountered with sample spikes:
Alloway Spiked Samples Problems encountered with sample spikes: High standard deviations caused by two measurements Mixing problems, especially with two-phase samples Table 1020:I. Acceptable Limits for Duplicate Samples and Known Additions to Water and Wastewater

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