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5.3: Mass Movement as rock weathers, it becomes very fine particles that form soil mass movement: process where gravity causes rock and soil to move.

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Presentation on theme: "5.3: Mass Movement as rock weathers, it becomes very fine particles that form soil mass movement: process where gravity causes rock and soil to move."— Presentation transcript:

1 5.3: Mass Movement as rock weathers, it becomes very fine particles that form soil mass movement: process where gravity causes rock and soil to move downhill can be very fast or very slow

2 mass movement can be triggered by:
water steep slopes removal of vegetation major earth events (earthquake, volcanic eruption)

3 rapid mass movements rockfall: fall of rock from a steep cliff

4 rockslide (landslide): when masses of loose rock and soil suddenly fall downhill

5 slump: large block of soil and rock moves down a very steep slope in one piece

6 mudflow: large amounts of mud (no rock!) flow downhill

7 slow mass movements earthflow: small area of vegetation-covered soil moves downhill when extremely wet

8 slump is a whole segment staying intact while earthflow has soil flowing downward in a slow mass

9 creep: extremely slow downhill movement of rock material


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